Here's where I go to party...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Delicious Pesto Pasta

One of my favorite new pasta recipes!

I'm really into pesto, but I never even thought of making my own...until now! I came across this recipe and knew it was calling my name!

Adapted from Krithi's Kitchen (We doubled the recipe so we could have leftovers)

• 2 cups pasta (we used elbows)
• 1 cup fresh basil
• 1/2 cup fresh spinach
• 4 garlic cloves
• 1/4 cup parmesan cheese
• 1/4 cup olive oil (we used more)
• salt & pepper to taste

Cook the pasta according to the box directions.

While pasta is cooking, combine the rest of the ingredients in a blender. We felt that the mixture needed more liquid, so that's when we added a little extra olive oil.

Once pasta is done, drain and combine with pesto mixture.

Very easy to do and it tastes FABULOUS!

Monday, July 23, 2012

DIY Wipe-able Baby Bib

This craft was inspired by my son, Connor, who is a very messy boy! There have been many times when I wondered why they don't sell plastic clothes for babies. If they don't sell plastic clothes, I guess the next best thing would be a wipe-able bib, right?
This idea started with a vinyl tablecloth. They're so easy to use because you just wipe up the mess and move on. So why not make a bib? I used one of our favorite bibs as a template to trace around. (BTW, if you're not a sewing person, these bibs are awesome!)

The pocket is made from 2 small half circle shapes.
I sewed them with right sides together so both the inside and outside of the pocket are vinyl and easy to clean.
I sewed on the pocket.
The blue bib just looked too plain by itself, so I added some white letters made of canvas.
I used the zig-zag stitch on the sewing machine to applique them onto the front of the bib.

To attach the front of the bib (and pocket) to the back of the bib (made from the white canvas), I pinned them with right sides together and stitched around the edge.

I left a large opening on one end to be able to turn it right-side out.
I sewed on small squares of Velcro to fasten the bib.

Vinyl is really hard to photograph with all the glares and highlights, but you get the idea!

And here is Mr. Connor showing off his new bib!
Ready to get messy!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Happy Little Pleasures - Summer Edition

Another feel-good post to remind myself of some of the happy things in my life...
Bare feet
But only pretty ones...You know you've seen some nasty ones out there! I love when it's sandal season. Socks suck, so I'm into flats and sandals as soon as possible and I'm the last one in the fall to go back to boots. At work, I take off my shoes and walk around barefoot just because I can.

The refresh option on the dryer
This is an amazing invention. When I met Hubby, he got me into ironing. He ironed everything! I never really touched an iron unless I needed it badly. So the more he got me into it, the more I felt I needed it. I air-dry most of my clothes so they're extra wrinkled once they dry. I used to spend hours watching tv while I ironed my clothes...until we got our new washer/dryer with this convenient function! I pop all my wrinkled clothes in for about 10 minutes and they come out almost wrinkle-free! A few things might still need a quick iron, but it's way less time-consuming than before.
This adorable smiling face
No explanation needed. You know why.

A good doughnut
When you're having a bad day at work, nothing can cheer you up like a freebie doughnut someone brought in. Yum.

Birds singing
I absolutely love that sound in the morning. Hearing it makes me think of summers growing up. I live in the same neighborhood I grew up in so it's that exact same sound I used to hear as a kid. I felt so strange in college when I didn't hear that noise in the morning!

What are you happy little pleasures for summer?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

DIY Wedding Shower Ideas

My sister is getting married in a couple months, so I've been busy crafting and helping her with all things creative for the wedding.

For her shower, I designed these umbrella invitations and backed them in different colored pieces of cardstock because I couldn't decide on just one!

I think people get worn out of the usual guest books and giving the couple advice about being married. I wanted to make it more fun for everyone and I hope that my sister and her soon-to-be husband will be able to look back and laugh at this. I was really lucky to find this cute pink binder for super cheap and I added the little umbrella image I used on the invites.
I created a Mad Libs-style letter for each guest to fill out. Everyone seemed to have a great time combining some funny comments with the happy well wishes.

And since I was busy crafting, I figured I'd make her a little book to write down all her gifts she received from her showers and wedding. (She actually gave me a little book for my wedding, so it was kinda fun to give one to her as well.) I bought a little blank book and then found some pretty pink heart fabric to sew a cover for it. I also found this adorable little "I Do" iron-on applique and added that to the cover.

And well...might as well use up the extra fabric I had left and make her a little tag with her name on it! Tutorial for the embroidered fabric luggage tag coming soon!
It was a really fun shower to plan and I hope she enjoyed it!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Embroidered Baby Bib

Ever since I taught myself to embroider a couple months ago, I've been obsessed with trying out my new skills. I ran across this tutorial for a baby bib and was excited to make one for Connor.

I pretty much followed all their instructions up until the rick-rack at the end. The tutorial only has you putting the rick-rack halfway around the bottom, but I liked it better going all the way around. They also have their rick-rack sewn between the front and back piece, but I put mine layered on the top piece.

When I put the bib on him, he seemed very interested in studying it.

And showing off his new clapping skills! 3 cheers for my new bib!

Almost too much work for him to actual use and get messy, but I like it!