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Thursday, March 3, 2011

DIY Throw Pillow to Chair Cushion


Some of you asked about the pillow cushion on the chair makeover I did recently. I wanted to share how I made it.


I bought this really cute & fun bedding for the craft room to use on our two guest beds. I also bought some different throw pillows since they were such a good price. I didn't end up liking how the twin bed looked with so many pillows so I had a couple extras. It took a little trial & error, but I was able to take apart the throw pillow and resize it to fit my chair. Here's how you can resize a large throw pillow to create a pillow cushion...

The throw pillow was larger than the chair, so I had to use a seam ripper to carefully take the pillow apart.

I took out some of the stuffing to make the pillow flatter and easier to sit on.

Then I resized the pillow to the size of the chair, pinned the sides of the cushion, and hand-sewed it closed.

I pinned the trim around the edge that I took off earlier.

To make the chair ties, I cut 4 strips of fabric.

To create each strip, I folded each edge towards the middle, pinned, and ironed the creases. Then I folded again and pressed to hide the unfinished edges.

A simple straight stitch closed the folds and finished the ends. Then I attached the ties to the pillow trim and hand-sewed everything closed.

For the cushion buttons, I bought a button cover kit and followed the package directions.

I marked the center of the pillow on both the top and the bottom and sewed them on.


Here are the finished ties on the chair.

I was so scared to do this project without any idea what I was doing, but I'm so happy with how it came out!


  1. Oh my goodness that cushion looks so comfy! I need some of these on my kitchen table- this is definately easier than sewing them from scratch!

  2. That cushion is adorable and the detail is amazing! thanks for stopping by my blog! I am your newest follower!

  3. Lisa, that could NOT be any cuter. You did such a good job. It's is precious. I love that striped fabric. So stinkin' cute!

  4. i am so ridiculously jealous right now. of that cute pillow, of your ability to make said cute pillow. love!

  5. I'm in love with the fabric you used!

  6. How cute is this!! I am loving your blog, i am going to have to follow you now!!:) Thanks for visiting my blog so I could find you.

  7. I love this cushion idea! I might just have to use this idea to make two cushions for the kitchen stools!

  8. As usual you always rock the DIY, I so need to have you come here :).

    P.S. Oh girl 9p is hard for me too, I am the DVR queen :) set it and watch it the next am. Hope your having a wonderful day.

  9. I'm loving the stripes and colors on this! And it looks so cozy! I'd love for you to submit this to the M&T Spotlight -

  10. Great transformation - love the colors and those stripes - great save. I need to make some of those - I have the most awfully uncomfortable chairs!

  11. That is a gorgeous pillow and it looks so comfy! I found you on The Girl Creative :)

  12. That looks so cozy! Will you make me one??

  13. Lisa, what a great transformation! I love the trim and all the details! Jenn/Rook No. 17

  14. seriously adorable! Almost makes me want to start sewing again ;-)

  15. Nice work! I'm not in touch with my craft gene. Hats off to you.

  16. I should really make one of these, yours is adorable! Im a new follwer, I will be back!

  17. That cushion makes me smile!! Amazing job!

  18. Great idea repurposing the bed pillow! Love the stripes and colors. I'm visiting from Tip Junkie!

  19. So cute! That was really a great idea of yours. Thanks so much for coming over to Dining With Debbie. I hope you will come often.


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