Here's where I go to party...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Footprint Valentines

Connor is only 5 months old, but I'm already making him do crafts! We did something similar for Halloween and everyone loved it, so I figured we'd do one for his first Valentine's Day too.

Like we did last time, painting projects seem to work best in the bathroom and right by the bathtub. I sat him in his little tub on the bathroom counter and he giggled. My craftiness is rubbing off on him!
I used some fingerpaint and a foam brush to apply it to his feet.

It worked best to leave him sitting in the tub and bring the paper up to his foot to stamp it.

On the back side, I printed out a little poem that I found online. (Sorry, I forgot to write down the source, so if it's yours, let me know)
S.W.A.K. (Sealed with a kiss) and mailed out to some friends and family for the holiday!


  1. I love crafts that involve their handprints or footprints.

  2. ADORABLE!!!!!!!!! the valentine card AND the model, of course. :)

  3. really adorable.. will make a perfect gift for your baby when he grows up, since his foot print is stamped there... i have my 24 yr old son's first year's baby booties framed and gifted to him last valentines day.:)he was so surprised and went emotional on phone when he saw the post about it in can have a view of it in this link below:)

  4. super cute! i know you were looking for footprint things before, so this is perfect for v's day.

  5. Hands down (or should I say feet) the cutest valentine I have seen. Great idea! P.S. he is growing so fast!!!! I hope you are enjoying being mommy :)

  6. PRECIOUS!!!! That is so adorable!!

    I have an award for you on my blog. Stop by when you get time. I will not be upset if you don't pass it along. I know you are super busy.

  7. Hey there! Here from FrouFrouBritches. I had to come over and see who else won the bloggie award! Congrats to you.

    I also did this with my son (years ago) and it's such a precious thing, isn't it?? Great memory and milestone fo sho! :)

  8. Precious Valentine and keepsake rolled into one. Wish I could turn back time and do the same with my 3 year old. If you have the time, check out my finger paint Valentine's, easy enough for a little one to do as well...

  9. This is too cute!
    I am hosting a Valentine's project link party until 2/14. I would love it if you came and linked these up!

  10. oh for got to add that I hope you'll add this and any of your other posts to my What We Wore and Made party over at

  11. That is so sweet and something that can be kept as a reminder forever - how lovely.

  12. That is too stinkin cute, love it! I would love it if you would link up to my Valentines Party at!

  13. That is too cute! I wish I still had a baby to make it with. ;)

  14. I love anything where there's a print involved. Your model is too cute! I'm your newest follower. If you get a chance stop by and check out some of the prints my munchkin and I put together Thanks for sharing!

  15. Got to get them crafting early :)! Those are so freaking cute! He's being such a good boy just sitting there letting you do that!

  16. These are sure to be the most special valentines your recipients have ever received!

  17. He is adorable - looks like a little man! I love anything with feet or hand prints. What a great way to share the baby love!

  18. This is GREAT, Lisa! And look at your little one getting not-so-little! Doesn't time fly when they are teeny-weeny?

    Those footprints are GORGEOUS!


  19. So cute - though he looks a little unsure about the whole process :)

  20. my favorite card yet! I love the pictures..he is very cooperative and!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  21. OH MY GOSH! That is the cutest this ever! I love this! I wonder if my 2 1/2 year-old's feet will be too big....but I really want to try this!

  22. Oh, this is just too SWEET!!! Little feet love :)


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