Here's where I go to party...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The leftovers

You always hear stories about the weird things people find when they move into a new house, so I thought I would share some of the funny & strange things we found while moving in.

-Most disgusting: dirty old underwear rolled up in a ball in the bathroom vanity (I skipped the photo since no one wants to see that)

-Most weirdly-placed: Light switch cover in the kitchen

-Most cheesy: Precious Moments clock in the kitchen (so precious, huh?)

-Most in need of clothing: Bathing people in the master bath (notice the strategically-placed bubbles)
-Most girly thing that we need to replace: The country cutesy mailbox as I mentioned in my last post
We also got a free tv, 3 groups of shelves for the basement or garage, 3 trundle beds, and a bunch of other small household things which was a nice bonus. What's the craziest thing you've seen or heard about finding in a new home?

1 comment:

  1. Methinks these people probably went to craft fairs pretty often....there's a book of short stories by Jhumpa Lahiri and one of my favorites involves an Indian couple who move into a new home and find crazy Christian artifacts all over the place, like glow in the dark statues of Jesus, velvet paintings of the last supper....all that good stuff!

    In the homes we've been looking at depends. One just had pastel colored walls, and the one we saw yesterday hasn't been lived in for 2 years and there were old toys, boxes of sweaters from the 1980s....aaaaaallllll that good stuff that the agent said they'd probably leave for us to throw out.


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