Here's where I go to party...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Showing off my bargains!

I think it's about time to share some bargains I've found recently.
(And it's hard not to brag when they're THIS good!)

H&M turtleneck sweater
I paid: $2.00

Star of David napkin rings
I bought 3 packs of 4 rings (perfect for future holiday dinners at our house)
I found a sterling silver set online for $185! Crazy!
I paid: $2.00

Zara ruffled blouse
I paid: $2.50

Textured brown socks
I paid: $.66

Old Navy cropped cardian
I paid: $2.50

Tell me about your recent bargains!

Linking up to...
The Girl Creative
The Girl Creative: New Friend Friday

Friday Follow on One 2 Try


  1. Good Finds!! Here from New friend Friday!

  2. Man you are good! I am following you now from New Friend Friday.
    Have a great weekeknd!


  3. Happy to meet you on this sunny Friday!!!! I am your 40th follower!!!!!!

  4. I got my husband for free.
    My kids though, fuhgetaboutit. I paid an arm, a leg, and quite possibly my left kidney.

    Maybe I should start shopping where you shop.


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