Here's where I go to party...

Monday, May 17, 2010

How do happy people get so happy?

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.
It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections."

The name of this blog is The Pursuit of Happiness because I wanted to find ways to make myself a happier person through creative outlets. During stressful times in my life, I have a really hard time finding the happiness in my life and I can only focus on the negatives. I'm trying to make an effort to be more positive and happy because I think it can only make my life better. The people around me deserve to be around a happy, pleasant person instead of a grouch.Do you have certain things that you do for yourself to stay positive? How do happy people stay so darn happy? Were they just born that way? Are they just optimistic people? I need some feedback...

And on the theme of being happy, my friend Christina over at Finally Mom happened to give me this Happy 101 award and I'm very honored!

Rules of the award:
1. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
2. List who gave the award to you and list a link to her blog (or hyperlink).
3. List 10 things that make you happy.
4. Pass the award on to other bloggers and visit their blog to let them know about the award

10 Things That Make Me Happy
• a good bargain
• a day off of work
• the feeling after an awesome workout
• snuggling with Hubby and Kitty in our comfy bed
• cupcakes, donuts, cake, cookies...ok, any sweet treats will work!• finishing a craft
• driving with the windows down
• when someone goes out of their way to do something nice for me
• the sound of the ice cream truck driving down the street
• sweet comments on my blog (hint, hint!)

And now I'm passing this on to a few of my friends…I always have such a hard time with this because I know some of you think these are silly and there's just too many great blogs to pick from!
The Adventures of Goober Grape & Monkey Man
Magically Ordinary

And one MORE reason to be happy is this Sweet Blog award from Liz at Frugal Science! Liz always posts awesome coupons and deals she found and you know how I love a bargain!

I'd like to pass the Sweet Blog award along to 2 blogs that I enjoy...
Adventures of Faith
Misadventures of a Healthy Life

And don't forget to leave me your opinions on how to be a happy person. How do you do it?


  1. Congrats!! I love to be a happy person too!! But it isn't the easiest thing to do sometimes!! Thanks for putting a smile on my face!!

  2. It's not easy to find a happy place sometimes, but before Sabrina was born, I'd try to find something to focus on when the going got tough: memories with my grandfather or my nephew, my wedding day, FOOD (not nec. a good thing to turn to)... Also, I oftentimes will say (in my head) a mantra: I cannot control anyone's behavior/actions but my own. Just saying and believing that has helped me immensely in the past. It's hard, and sometimes can be a very daunting process - to find happiness - but it's definitely worth the road traveled when you get there. I promise!! I know how chiche that sounds, but it's the honest truth.

  3. Soooo hard to stay a happy and positive person with all the negativity around us all...You gotta just keep pushing through...Thanks for stopping by my blog..Im a new follower!

  4. Thanks for the award! As for happiness it's definitely not easy. Quitting my miserable job has made me MUCH happier, but not everyone has that option. I also decided to end a friendship this year that I wasn't getting anything out of aside from a lot of unnecessary drama. Those were two major things, but they were also so draining that it affected all aspects of my life. Simplifying my life in those was has helped tremendously.


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