Here's where I go to party...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer Wish List

The other day Hubby and I were talking about how our lives have changed so much in the last year. We miss the fun things we used to do while we waited and waited for our house to sell. Now our lives are so busy with the new house and it's a completely different lifestyle. We're so wrapped up in getting things done on the house that we forget to have fun!

Last summer we:

Went to the Lilac Fest and took lots of beautiful pictures...

PRAYED our house would finally sell after 18 months on the market during the recession. It finally did! So we packed up 5 years of stuff to move once...and then again 2 months later...
(Notice how Kitty loved the jungle gym we created for him!)
And we dined at a tiki restaurant to celebrate our anniversary in the middle of all the moving drama...

I'm really trying to work on ways to make my life less stressful and more fun, so we decided to come up with a list of must-do things for THIS summer. The only rule was that everything on the list could not be something for the house that would stress us out.

So far we have:

1. go for a bike ride

2. dine al fresco

3. have a cigar night in the backyard (kind of an inside joke b/c we did this at our old house on the balcony off our bedroom one day)

4. buy ice cream from the truck that drives around our neighborhood every night

5. run my first 5k race (as long as my body isn't broken)

6. do cartwheels in the grass like the neighborhood kids

7. feed ducks in the park (I'm supposed to do this alone because I was told I am too old for this)

8. go to a tapas restaurant

9. hit up my usual summer craft fairs

10. do something fun for our anniversary in August

Do you have any goals you'd like to accomplish this summer? Any activities that you must try?

Linking up to:
The Girl Creative


  1. What a great idea - summer goes by so fast & it's easy to postpone or forget things you want to do before it's over. Stopping by from TGC's New Friend Friday:)

  2. Hi Lisa! Love your list - great stress reliever and marriage builder *except the duck feeding one : )*
    We used to live in Mundelein (a little north of Long Grove) and we sure do miss those festivals! Enjoy your new house and have a fun summer!!

  3. My list would have to include ice cream, ice cream, and more ice cream. ;) ... and of course, there's getting the baby to the park and pool and stuff. :) TGIF!!

  4. Visiting from NFF! Thanks for the comment!

    I love this idea. I think I'm going to sit down with my husband and daughter to make a summer list.

    Have a great memorial day weekend.

  5. Great list! Love the idea of planning ahead so things stay stress free. Stopping by from New Friend Friday. Your blog is so pretty!

  6. For tapas go to Cafe Ba Ba Reba in the city - it's the best! Don't waste your time/money at La Tasca. I think this list is a great idea - I might have to steal it!

  7. Where was the lilac festival you went to? Regardless I'm sure it was beautiful. I think going to a tapas restaurant sounds fun!!!

  8. Well they sound all so awesome and they will be there waiting for you.....Goals...honey I have a list a mile long...let me start with less computer time, get off my butt and move it move it!~ Thanks for stopping by, have an awesome weekend.

  9. New follower from New Friend Friday- please follow me back at a

    Happy Friday!!

  10. Love this idea! I may do the same thing so that I can be sure to have some fun in between the stresses of everyday life! Do you know of any craft fairs coming up? I'm coming up blank browsing the net. I went to Fair Diddley in Woodstock a couple weeks ago and had a blast. Would definitely like to hit up more :)

  11. Buying ice cream truck ice cream daily was my favorite on your list!
    I just like the idea of you and hubby fighting over quarters and beating each other to the truck, haha.

  12. Great list! I love the ice cream from the truck, we do the same!


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