Here's where I go to party...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Easy Painting Tips

Now that I feel I'm an experienced wall painter, I realize how much I've learned along the way. I hope these quick tips can help you out on your next project!

Ever get those nasty little pieces of blue painters tape that just don't come off? You rip off the whole piece of tape and are left with an annoying little corner that's too tiny to scrape off? You could do the lazy thing and just leave it...or you can try this easy tip!

Grab your tweezers from your makeup bag and use them to peel off that little piece of tape.

So easy!

I think we've all painted our trim and then realized the lines came out uneven. Grab a small craft painting brush and use it to touch up corners and edges. It's a little time-consuming, but strangely therapeutic for me : )
My perfectionist tendencies come out in full force when I paint!

When I'm done painting for the day, but I know I'll be doing more the next day, I wrap my paintbrushes and rollers in foil and keep them in the fridge. That way, you don't have to wash your brush and wait 24 hours for it to dry between uses.

Any other painting tips you'd like to share with me? I have many more rooms to paint!

Linking up to:
The Thrifty Home's Penny Pinching Party
Domestically Speaking: Painting Party


  1. These are WONDERFUL TIPS! The tinfoil!?! I will SO be using that -- I hate cleaning brushes and rollers -- especially when I'm working on a big painting job! Thanks SO much for sharing!

  2. Those are some good tips~thanks!

    I have another one. If you're using a plastic paint tray and latex paint, don't worry about washing the tray. If you have a semi thick layer of paint in the tray, leave it. It will peel off. (it's a lot more fun than washing.)

  3. These are great painting tips! I'm with you on the paint brushes - I stick mine in ziplock baggies and put them in the freezer! This drives my hubby crazy - I take them out to thaw a few minutes and I'm ready to paint again! ~Marcy

  4. I use saran wrap for my brushes, and also baggies if the brush is small enough.

    I absolutely LOATHE blue painter's tape for its uneven lines and the way it breaks into tiny pieces (like you show here). Frogtape was my answer to both. It leaves clean lines and doesn't bond to the paint, so it doesn't peel the way the blue tape does.

    See my review here.

  5. I'm painting walls for the FIRST time EVER this week. Wow these were the best two tips I've read...thanks!


  6. These are wonderful tips. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I use saran wrap, too.

    My favorite part about re-painting our living room was that we were going to be ripping out the existing carpeting, so we basically got to use it as a drop cloth. It was awesome!

  8. We'll be painting soon, so I'm loving these tips! I hope you'll be sharing more as you go along. Sadly, I have no tips myself :)

  9. Great tips, especially about putting the brushes in the fridge! Thanks for joining my party :)

  10. Hi, Lisa! Like you, I have learned a lot along the way. I never use painter's tape - it's the lazy in me. Instead I love those pad painters that help me "frame out" a wall, then I fill in with the roller. I also save the liners out of cereal boxes and I found that they the paint roller perfectly!(as well as work for lots of other storage) I never thought to place them in the fridge, tho. I will try that.


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