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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

DIY Craft Room Curtains

This is the bedding I picked out for the craft room. I love the bright colors to inspire me while I work. The bed sets came with bedskirts, but we have trundle beds in there so we don't need them. Extra fabric? Of course, my first thought was to reuse it in some fun ways!

Why buy boring curtains when you can make your own? I wanted something that was very light and would let a lot of light in. The room is pretty dark, so I'd love as much light as I can get. I started out by buying some cheap white curtains to work with. (Yes, I could have made my own, but I HATE working with large pieces of fabric when I have to measure them perfectly.)

I started out by laying the curtains on the floor since that was the largest work surface I could find.

I wanted to add the bedskirt fabric panel near the top, so I measured 4 inches from the top.

Freaking out, I cut the top 4 inches off. What if I mess this up and ruin my curtains? This was my first window treatment ever so I was really nervous.

Then I measured the bedskirt fabric to fit and finished the edges.

I pinned the pattern fabric to the top and bottom of the curtain and sewed.

Once the curtains were hung, I hemmed the bottom to almost hit the floor. You can see how the light is really weird in this room, so it's very hard to get a good picture. I promise it's a nice lime green and not pukey green!

I love how they turned out!

I *heart* link parties! Go here to see where I'm partying it up today...


  1. Love 'em! Wanna come over and make some curtains for me?

  2. I really like the fabric- great way to use it. Your curtains look great!

  3. These turned out perfectly! And what an easy way to make everything look super-coordinated!

  4. Those turned out absolutely beautiful.

  5. Those turned out fantastic!! You did a great job.

  6. Super cute Lisa! You did a great job! I like the green. It doesn't look pukey to me!

  7. Wow! Great job! I would be freaking out as well to just chop off parts of curtains, but you definitely pulled it off! :)

    Thanks for visiting over at Ten June! Thank you for your sweet comments!

    xo- M

  8. I love how they turned out, too. I agree custom is the way to go. These look great.

  9. SO pretty! Great job!! (:


  10. Nice job! Those are really cute! I love white curtains and the little bit of colour gives them a little bit more interest. :)

  11. So fun and what a great way to reuse something! I love it!! Great job!

  12. I love those curtains--you did a great job turning them into something new!

  13. Your curtains look great! really good idea!


  14. Those turned out wonderful. Gave me an idea on how to alter my current curtains.

  15. Those turned out really well. Curtains are about the only sewing projects I ever do. It's so much cheaper to make your own.

  16. You're curtains turned out great! The added green makes a big difference!

  17. Lisa~ your curtains came out great! I agree, the great made a huge difference. My daughter has curtains like this in her room and I always felt like it needed something more. Now I know what I'm going to do! Thanks

  18. What cute curtains!
    I also live and grew up in the suburbs of Chicago! I love it.
    Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

  19. What fun curtains! I love how you took a basic set and made it your own. Thanks for sharing with us at A Crafty Soiree! I hope to see you next week too!

  20. Hi Lisa! Love your blog!! The other night I read into your archives and loved everything, but then my computer screen froze and I couldn't find your blog again! Just now I was going thru my comments and I found you again!! Yeah! I love all your and I share the same culinary tastes! I am adding you to my sidebar! Angie xo

  21. Lisa what a great idea! And you uber-pumpkin is pretty impressive too (-:

  22. Those turned out adorable! I love the green fabric you used too!

  23. Que trabalho mais lindo, parabéns, um forte abraço e Jesus te abençoe

  24. I love your curtains! they look so well made! Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog. I appreciate your comments on my laundry room.

  25. You really did a great job on this one! I like it. You are so creative.
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