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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My First 5K: Completed!

I am proud to say I just completed my first official 5k race. It's been a long road of training, knee injuries, fertility issues, and then back to training again.

I've been training in 90 degree heat so you can imagine how freaked out I was when I woke up and it was 50 degrees out! I'm not used to running in the cold and my toes tend to get numb. I piled on layers and layers of clothes before we left the house, but I ended up taking most of them off before the race.

I actually wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be right before the race and it started before I was even mentally ready. All the people cheering us on was really fun and it was so cool to see people of every age running along with us.

What an accomplishment for someone who could hardly run a block less than a year ago!


  1. Congratulations! I know just how you feel. I ran my first 5K a little less than a year ago and I've run 3 or 4 since then, plus a 10K. Awesome job!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS LISA! What an amazing accomplishment! You are so inspiring! I've always wanted to run a 5K ... maybe I'll start training now. :)

  3. Congratulations!! That's awesome!

  4. Congrats! That's huge!!! You should be so proud!! : )

  5. Lisa, congratulations! It's really inspiring to hear you say you were someone who "could hardly run a block less than a year ago". That's me now!

  6. It truly is an accomplishment and you should be very proud!! Keep it up! All my running friends are happy people! (not that you have to run to be happy, 'cuz I'm REAL happy!)

  7. you go, girl! good for you for setting + reaching such a great goal!

  8. Hi I just stumbled into your blog and I wanted to say congrat's! I have my first 5k (that I'm going to attempt to run) this Sunday and I'm nervous! I haven't done much training but I'm sure it'll be ok *enter sarcasm here*. Great job on the run though. Such an accomplishment!

  9. Congratulations! That is wonderful!

  10. Oh my gracious, girl! I am so proud for you! You go girl! I am super impressed! I've been wanting to try running, although I don't know why. I've always hated it before - I have bad knees. Maybe I'll give it another shot? Anyway, good for you!!! So happy!


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