Here's where I go to party...

Friday, November 5, 2010

CREATE a mini canvas & easel

On one of my many trips to the thrift store, I came across this cute canvas and easel for $2. I love the typography and it's really pretty, but it won't match a thing in my house. I've been saving it until I had a place for it. The craft room turned out to be the perfect place and it goes with the craft theme.

I really liked the typography as I said, so I followed the idea and change the word to CREATE to go with the craft theme. I did a quick design on my computer and printed it out to the size of the canvas.
I used primer to cover the pink canvas and spray-painted the easel red. While that dried, I worked on getting my word ready. To transfer the word to the canvas, I put the paper up to the window (my ghetto light table) and traced the back of the letters in pencil.

Then I taped the paper to the canvas and used a pencil with no lead to rub over the words. The pencil transfers to the canvas very easily.

Here's the canvas with the transferred letters.

It took some mixing, but I matched my paint colors to the blankets in the craft room. Using a small brush, I painted the letters.

And here's me hard at work (don't mind the nasty hair and pajamas!)

Once I was done painting, I decided the edges needed some fancy trim. I hot glued purple ribbon and green rickrack around the edges.

And here it is! It's going to look so cute in the craft room!



Check out these link parties I'm heading to!


  1. Oooh! I love this, Lisa! The colors you used are so great together -- and I love the ric-rac!! :)

  2. It's super cute!!! What a great idea!

  3. Love the make over on the easel! I really like the ribbon and rick-rack around the edges. I came over from NFF:)

  4. This is such a fun project. You did a great tutorial. I don't know that my painting could look as nice as yours but you make it sound doable. I can see all kinds of ideas in my mind that this tutorial would work for. Thanks for visiting.

  5. What pj's? :) I think this turned out so well. What a wonderful inspiration to add to your craft room!

  6. I found you at Fingerprints on the Fridge...

    What a great idea! And I love how easy it would be adapt it to other words and colors, as well. Thanks for sharing!

  7. looks great lisa! inspiring little piece of art

  8. This is super cool and I love the technique. I remember doing that ghetto light table technique - oh wait I still do it...sometimes the old fashioned way works really well!

  9. That is fabulous! It can be tough to paint in letters like that, but it's so worth the effort! I love the ribbon trim.


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