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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pet-Proof Your Christmas Tree

One of Kitty's favorite times of the year is the winter holidays. Why? The Christmas tree is like a giant jungle gym! We've had many ornament casualties and broken branches from his tree escapades. No matter how many times we yell at him, he continues to get in the tree!

I came up with this solution that works very well to keep him from breaking our ornaments. Binder clips! You've probably used these hundreds of times to organize papers, but they're also perfect to keep your ornaments from getting broken. I bought a small box of them and spray painted them dark green.
For all our delicate ornaments, I wrap the ornament string around the binder clip and then clip it to the tree branch.
Now Kitty can bat them as much as he wants, but they won't fall off and get broken!
Hope this tip helps to keep your favorite ornaments in one piece!


  1. What a great idea! When I saw the post title I figured it would be a short post with the words "duct tape" somewhere in there. Your solution's much more humane!

  2. Got any good tricks to keep kitties from eating the tree??? That's Simon's problem...

  3. Thank you for posting this. We have a new kitty this year and we are putting up our tree tonight. She is extremely playful, so I think I might have to use this idea. :)

  4. thats a great idea! We dont have any inside cats but I wanted to share this with you for a little laugh.
    I love photography! and I love Christmas! so..
    Each year when we put up the tree I dress my 2 pups up in their christmas outfits and take 2000000 pictures of them infront of the tree... until they are literally covering thier eyes begging for me to throw the camera out the window with thier pitiful eyes. After that they want nothing to do with that tree or anything near it, becasue they relate the tree to photos haha

  5. Our cat is too old now to bother with dangling ornaments, but I do remember those days of decorating only the top half of the tree....the same thing happens when you have kids!

  6. I am your new follower! Would love for you to follow back!

  7. ha, so smart! luckily my cat doesn't do that, but she does sit under the tree, on the skirt. it's a fake tree, so i know she won't get hurt. i just can never find her!

  8. You're so smart! I don't have a cat, but E can't work binder clips so I might have to do this to keep her from taking off my ornaments. She thinks our ornaments are her own personal collection of toys. UGH!

  9. Awww, what a cute cute kitty! (i'm mom to a kitty too btw). :D
    And good idea for the tree ornaments. :)

  10. Lovely idea! Thanks for checking out my blog!!

    Love your name, Lisa :)

    -Lisa :)

  11. Great idea! Wonder if it works with 2 y/o's?!

  12. Great dog leaves the tree alone...he used to pee on it, but no more. I once made cranberry garland and another dog ate them all...I guess cats are more into the trees. Great tip!


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