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Monday, January 10, 2011

Sweet peanut butter cookies

Hubby has figured out a new trick: we can pretty much make cookies any time we want just from the random stuff we have in the house. He knows I LOVE dessert so it's hard for me to refuse when he wants to bake for me! Anyway, he made these really yummy peanut butter cookies the other day and I had to share them with you.

• 1 c sugar
• 1/2 c butter
• 1/2 c peanut butter
• 1 egg
• 1 1/4 c flour
• 3/4 t baking soda
• 1/2 t baking powder
• 1/4 t salt

Preheat the oven to 300.

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.

Form a ball with the dough and wrap in plastic. Refrigerate the ball for at least 30 minutes.

When you're ready to bake the cookies, use a tablespoon to create small balls of cookie dough and place on a lightly-greased baking sheet.

Bake at 300 for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.

These are amazing dipped in cold milk!


  1. I do the whole "I want a treat, what can I make without visiting the store" thing.

    In fact a while back I ended up making Almond Butter cookies because I had picked up three jars of almond butter for $2 each [they are normally at least $8-10] and then realized I could never eat that much almond butter before it all expired.

    I used a peanut butter cookie recipe and just used the almond butter instead. It was amazing!

  2. They look yummy. How sweet of your hubby to make them for you all :)

  3. Yum! I have a weakness for peanut butter cookies. :)

  4. Oh my gracious, those look gooooooood! YUM! I'm in diet mode so I can't have any soooo, enjoy some for me!!!

  5. So glad you are becoming a regular..Love having you & all your super projects..That's how we all inspire each other..Go girlfriend!!
    Thanks for commenting..always love connecting with everybody..Have a great day!

  6. Yum, I love a good peanut butter cookie!

  7. Mmh, they look delish! I LOVE peanut butter! Addicted!

  8. Oh, I think just about any cookie is good dipped in cold milk! ;-)

    PB cookies are soooo good, aren't they? And they're not too fussy, which is great.

    Stopping by from Tasty Tuesday

  9. Hi Lisa! Your coocies look and sound delicious! I need dessert and always something with coffee! I'll try these - thank you for recipe!

  10. I haven't made peanut butter cookies in a long time! Definitely a much have in the very near future.

  11. How do I get my husband to start baking?!! What a great treat (the baking and the cookies)!

  12. These look so good, I can't wait to make them for my Hubby who loves anything Peanut Butter :)

  13. I haven't made peanut butter cookies in so long and now I want to make them right away! Thanks so much for linking to Tasty Tuesdays.

  14. Your cookies look yummy! I love peanut butter!

  15. who can resist a giant peanut butter cookie lovingly made by a husband. where do i sign up?! thank you for sharing this simple delicious recipe with tuesday night supper club!

  16. Lisa, gotta love a hubby that can cook, and particularly a guy that can whip up something amazing from scratch without having to go to the grocery store! Sounds like you've got yourself a keeper! Thank you so much for sharing your hubby's delicious peanut butter cookie recipe at Rook No. 17!


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