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Monday, January 3, 2011

Tasty Cranberry Feta & Spinach Couscous

Hubby was out of town recently and you know what that means? I get to make food that he doesn't like! This is definitely my kind of food, but he thinks it's a little too girly for his taste buds. So if you want a "girly" easy meal, this is a quick idea that I adapted.

• 1 1/4 c water
• 2 t vegetable oil
• 2 t lemon juice
• 10 oz. package of couscous
• 1/3 c dried cranberries
• 1/4 c chopped basil
• 1 t lemon zest
• 1/4 c feta cheese
• 1/2 c chopped fresh spinach
• salt & pepper to taste

1. In a medium pot, boil water, lemon juice and oil.

2. Stir in couscous, remove from heat, and cover pot. Let covered pot sit for 5 minutes and stir occasionally.

3. Remove cover and fluff couscous. Pour into a large serving bowl.

4. Add cranberries, basil, feta, lemon zest, spinach and salt & pepper and mix well. Serve cold.

Perfect for a quick meal or leftovers on a busy day!


  1. Haha! I do that, too. That recipe sounds perfect. My hubs doesn't like spinach OR couscous so I am bookmarking this baby. :)

  2. These are so many of my favorite flavors! YUM!

  3. Ooo, this looks good. My husband travels frequently. This looks like a good recipe to try, <3 feta!

  4. OMG too girly! That's the first. I'm surprised my hubby hasn't pulled that one on me.

  5. This looks so yummy - and easy, too! I'm definitely going to try this soon (maybe for my mom and me?) :)

  6. This looks like a great dish, I would just love it. Thank you for sharing and you have a great week!

  7. How funny is that? Even the comments say they fix something different when the hubs is gone. I do too! I thought it was just me.

    I have to admit, I've never tried couscous. This looks delish so might be my 1st attempt!

  8. I love couscous and didn't even discover it until about 2 years ago. It is so easy to make! Your recipe sounds quite tasty. Thanks for sharing it in Tuesday's Tasty Tidbits

  9. That looks so delicious and healthy.Perfect recipe for my New Year resolution,lol.

    Stopping by from Rook No.17


  10. That salad looks delicious and I don't have to worry, because my husband eats anything. He is very easy to please.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  11. Hi Lisa, This looks so good and dare I say healthy? Thanks for sharing... I'm putting this in my "To Do" pile.
    Happy New Year! Malia

  12. oh..this seems like such a great dish for the season after the season. it looks so nourishing but not heavy...i love couscous! thank you for sharing with tuesday night supper club!

  13. YUMMMY! I love all the ingredients and especially couscous! I am going to make this for.sure. Thank you! I am visiting from tasty Tuesday and am your newest follower!!

  14. This sounds completely and utterly delicious! It's making my mouth water!! I love the sound of the cranberry and feta together. YUM!


  15. I came back to follow you and WOAH! Def did not see this before! yum x100! So glad I found your blog! =)


  16. Can you just move in with me? You cook just like me!! This looks soooo yummy and another one with faves of mine in it.

    emily@remodeling this life

  17. This looks amazing. I love all the ingredients! Coming over from Paisley

  18. This looks wonderful. Thanks for posting!! Looking forward to introducing it into our meal plan for next week. Blessings...

    Saved By Love Creations

  19. Lisa, thank you so much for linking up to "A Little Birdie Told Me...". This recipe sounds wonderful and is something I'm definitely going to try. The lemon zest, the basil, the feta, cranberries -- what flavor!

    I hope you'll swing by tomorrow and link up and share more of your talent! Your friend, Jenn

  20. Hi
    Just wanted to let you know that I “ Featured” you on Santa’s Gift Shoppe Blog Hop today for your great project & inspiration! Be sure to grab the “I was featured” on Santa’s Gift Shoppe Button/Code for your sidebar! You deserve it! Thanks so much..If you’re not a follower already we’d love for you to join us...

  21. Sounds like a meal I would love! I love the combination of flavors!

  22. I would just love to join you for the "girly" dish - I would love this, too! I'm looking forward to what you have to say this week.


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