Here's where I go to party...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Team T is growing!

I'm so happy to announce to all of you that I'm pregnant! A lot of you have followed my infertility journey and sent your thoughts and prayers as we endured a miscarriage and a year of fertility treatments. I appreciate all your kind words and our dreams finally came true!

Some of you may have noticed that I started taking a closer look at all your baby crafts, nursery designs, etc. and hinting that I might be needing these things soon. It's hard to keep a secret! I also have to admit that there were days I couldn't even stomach looking at food posts because they made me sick!

But now that the first trimester is over, I'm excited to have more energy to work on some new crafts and home decor that we need to get done before the baby comes. Looking forward to getting started!

Happy Valentine's Day! <3


  1. Awwww! Congratulations, Lisa! :) I'm SO excited for you and your hubby! I can't wait to see all your cute baby crafts :)

  2. Congratulations Lisa! You'll have so much fun! :)

  3. Congratulations! How exciting. Can't wait to read about it and see all your crafts.

  4. Yay - congratulations! So happy for you!
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Hugs xxx

  5. Congratulations Lisa! I am so happy for you guys!


  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! I know it was a struggle but how fantastic that you were able to conceive finally!

  7. Congrats to you!!! Wishing you all the best!

  8. Oh Lisa that's awesome! Congratulations!

  9. oh my gosh, that's awesome! i am SO happy for you guys. really and truly!

  10. OH Congratulations that is SO Exciting!!! We'll be keeping you and the baby in our prayers!! :) :)

  11. Congratulations! I've been hoping your dreams of mommy-hood would be realized soon...and August isn't that far away!

    I look forward to hearing all about your baby and baby plans! I love nurserys :)

    Prayers for a happy and healthy pregnancy and can't wait to meet your little one in August!

  12. Congratulations!! what an exciting time for you : ) thanks for sharing your joy!!

  13. Hurray! Congratulations, Lisa!!! Exciting news! Happy & Healthy 9 mos. T&P and jumping up and down for joy! ;)


  14. Hurray!! Congratulations on your wonderful news! All your dedication has paid off and you will soon hold your precious gift in your hands!

    Kelli @

  15. OH MY GRACIOUS! I'm so excited for you!!! SO, SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! YAY! WOO HOO! CONGRATULATIONS! Such AMAZING news!

  16. Congrat's!! I thought something was up but of course I didn't want to be wrong and post it. Ok I had no clue, who am I kidding! Yay! How exciting!

  17. Congratulations! That is so exciting :)

  18. Congratulations! I am very happy for you. I wish nothing but health and happiness!!!

  19. Congratulations! I am so very happy for you!! What an exciting year 2011 will be for your family! Angie xo

  20. Congrats! Super excited for you! FYI you will always be kermie to me!

  21. That's such great news - so excited for you! I've been AWOL from The Internet (except for work stuff) for awhile, but I'm catching up and this was a nice surprise :)

  22. I read this just now so here is a late congrats from me! Wonderful news! So happy for you!

  23. Just saw this. Heartfelt congratulations. I know the heartache of infertility so well. Really amazing news!

  24. OH MY GOSH, How did I miss this?

    CONGRATULATIONS mama to be, this is so exciting. I had no idea you guys were trying so hard to have a baby, I'm so happy your dream finally came true. YAYYYYY!!!

    Many hugs to you,


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