Here's where I go to party...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Delicious Turkey Patty Melts

Hubby created this dinner for us recently and I wanted to share it with you because it was so good. I've never had a patty melt before because I don't eat red meat, so this is our turkey version.

Makes 4 sandwiches

• 8 slices of bread
• 1 lb ground turkey
• 2 tablespoons butter
• 1 large onion, sliced
• 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
• 2 tablespoons brown sugar
• 4 slices mozzarella cheese

In a small pan, heat vegetable oil and pour in onions. When onions start to soften, add brown sugar and grill for 5 more minutes.

Roll ground turkey into 4 patties. In a large pan, melt 1 T butter and then add turkey patties. Grill patties until meat is fully cooked.

Once patties are cooked, move them to a plate and heat 1 T in pan. Lightly toast slices of bread until golden brown and then flip to other side.

When bread is toasted, create a sandwich with turkey patty, grilled onions and a slice of cheese.

Messy, but very good! Enjoy!


  1. That looks great! My boyfriend and I have been trying to cut out red meat and we are HUGE patty melt lovers!I will be trying this SOON!

  2. Ohh we're going to have to give this a try! We use a lot of ground turkey in place of ground beef just because it's healthier, so it's always nice to have a new recipe.

  3. Ohmygosh I haven't had a patty melt in YEARS! This looks sooooo good! <3

    Jenn @ Peas and Crayons

  4. I've never had a patty melt but this looks great!! I'll have to give it a try! Thanks for sharing.

    Your blog looks like a lot of fun! I'm your newest follower :)

  5. I don't think I've ever eaten a patty melt! It looks so good! I have never added brown sugar to my onions. That must make them sooo yummy! We only eat ground turkey here and I happen to have some in my freezer right now. Maybe that will be lunch today. Thanks!!

  6. Try these with freshly grated parmesan grilled on the outside. Oh my goodness! We love them that way. Thanks for linking to What's On the Menu Wednesday at Dining With Debbie. I'm looking forward to more great ideas from you.

  7. Feature Alert! Feature Alert!

    That's right! You were featured today over at Today's Top 20!

    Hope to chat soon!


  8. They look so YUMMY! It's actually a really good idea for a family dinner. My kids would probably love these! You should come link up with Fun for Kids Friday!

  9. looks awesomeeeeeee:)
    thanks for sharing


  10. OMH! This looks so good!

    I would like to invite you to join in on a RECIPE LINK PARTY on my blog!

    "Made it on Monday" is a WEEKLY recipe link party. So you can post as often as you want.
    *There will be prizes*

    I hope to see some of your recipes soon. :)

  11. Oh yes that looks like a winner for lunch or dinner!

  12. OK! So...YUMM!!! Mout is WATERING!

    Thank you for linking this up to Whassup Wednesday! Hope to see you this week at my


  13. That sandwich sounds heavenly and the brown sugar caramelized onions put it over the top! Yummmm....

    Lisa, thank you for always linking up something utterly mouthwatering on "A Little Birdie Told Me..." Tuesday at Rook No. 17



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