Here's where I go to party...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Still hanging in there...

After the nursery reveal post, some of you have asked about labor progress and if the baby is here yet. I'm officially due on Wednesday, but still have an inside baby as of now.

If you would have asked me a week ago, I would not have been ready and I could have gone on for weeks. But now, I'm totally ready and getting impatient! As much as I would have liked to finish the house projects we've had going on this summer, it's not going to happen. With the basement flood, power going out for days at a time, and me being a whale, they just didn't all get finished. I'm at a stopping point (as much as I don't like things unfinished) and I'm ready for our little one to join our family.

Like I've said before, this blog is meant to be about crafts, recipes, projects, and fun things that make me happy. I have another baby blog that will probably turn into a "Look how cute my baby is!" blog. It's private, but I'm happy to give anyone access that wants to read it (just send me your email address). Hopefully, my baby will sleep lots (I can dream!) and I can be on here blogging away as usual during my maternity leave.

Hope everyone is enjoying that last little bit of summer! I'll keep you posted!


  1. I am so with you. I can actually pinpoint my turning point to yesterday. I am so ready for our little one to come. Here's hoping that it happens soon for both of us.

  2. Good luck! I hope everything goes smoothly and I know he's going to just love that new nursery! It turned out so cute!

  3. How exciting that your due date is Wednesday!! Best of luck for a good birth!

  4. just found your blog through the fb crock pot girls page. i love your blog! will definitely be making that orange chicken recipe soon. and congrats on your pregnancy and the birth (soon, from what I read above in the comments) of your son!


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