Here's where I go to party...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sew a Baby Santa Hat

Here's a secret: I have an obsession with dressing my baby up in cute outfits and taking photos. The best part about little ones is that you can dress them up however you want! Maybe he'll be embarrassed in 10 years, but for right now, I love it. This little Santa hat was really easy to make and it was nice to have a hat that actually fit his little head!

To make sure the hat fit, I used one of his other hats as a template on 2 pieces of stretchy red knit fabric.

I traced around the hat and then altered the design slightly to be more of a Santa hat shape.

Then I cut it out and sewing around the edge, but left an opening at the top for the furry ball.

I had a small piece of white fur left over from my fur-trimmed tree skirt I made last year and it worked perfectly for this hat.
I folded up the bottom edge of the hat and sewed around it.

Then I added some fur trim along the edge and sewed it on.

For the puff at the top, I took a small piece of fur and rolled it into a thin cylinder. I quickly hand-stitched it closed so it wouldn't unravel.
The fur roll got placed in the opening at the top of the hat and I used the sewing machine to attach it.

Just to add a little more fur, I sewed on another thin strip along the top.

And here's my little elf! Not so happy here, but he's still cute!

That pacifier always solves the problem : )


  1. I love it - I really wish I knew how to sew.

  2. INSANELY CUTE!!!!! wish i had a sewing machine- or the patience to do something like this by hand!

  3. That is precious! He is so stinkin' cute!!! Yes, he will probably be completely humiliated when he's older, but for now, it sure is fun, isn't it?

  4. Awwww, adorable~ Thanks for linking up at Etcetorize!

  5. Oh wow, that is the cutest thing!! And so cool to have a cutie pie santa hat that fits!!! :)

  6. So cute! And he is still so tiny! So, so precious! :)

  7. SOOOO CUTTE!! Gorgeous little hat and adorable photos!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  8. How cute!! Your son is so tiny - it's hard to believe that my big boys were once that little!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and I think the silhouette of your son and cat would be super cute.

  9. so stinking cute (i feel like i day that all the time to you!) adorable elf-now where's "babies first dreidle" or something like that.

  10. Oh my goodness. Your little baby is the cutest ever! I totally clicked on your link from BCD's linky party because of the cuteness. Ok, ok, I have a baby and I want a santa hat for her, but it was purely motivated by baby cuteness.

  11. So, so adorable! Definitely featuring your post on my Facebook page today, Lisa!

    Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and talent on "A Little Birdie Told Me..." Tuesday at Rook No. 17!

    Friends who link-up to tomorrow’s party will have a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to Hodgson Mill, so please feel free to stop by and join in the fun & inspiration!

    Warmest wishes,

  12. So cute! I never thought of making my own santa hat.

  13. SUPER cute - what a creative idea!! I am your newest follower. i'd love for you to follow me back, if you want to =-)
    Merry Christmas!!


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