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Friday, March 30, 2012

DIY Sew a Bunny Hat

We have a little bunny in our house!
Yep, I'm at it again! I'm making silly hats for my son who will kill me when he sees these photos in 15 years! The design is very similar to the pumpkin hat and Santa hat I made earlier. I bought some white stretchy cotton fabric and I used one of his hats as a template.

I traced around his hat and added some extra for the seam allowance. I usually make my DIY hat a little bigger and then try it on him and adjust as needed.
For sewing with knits, I've found that using my sewing machine foot that's made for knit fabric makes a huge difference. It doesn't bunch up as much as when I use the general foot.
For the ears, I sketched out a little design for the pink and white parts.
I used felt so they would be a little more stiff than a cotton fabric.

Good old Elmer's glue did the trick to attach the pink shape to the white ear.
I stuck the ears inside two layers of the hat (with right sides together).
I like to add a folded up band at the bottom so the hat can be adjusted slightly if needed. I made this one awhile ago, so Connor's head was a little bigger by the time he wore it.
Press the seams and we're ready to bunny hop!

I think he enjoyed playing with the plastic eggs more than modeling his new hat...


  1. He is adorable in that little bunny hat!

  2. That is so sweet! I miss having little babies in my life to make adorable things for like that.

  3. So cute! That is absolutely precious! Is Connor rolling over in that picture? What a big boy!

  4. Love this hat! Your LO is adorable! I have awarded your blog with the Versatile Blogger Award!! Now it's your turn to pass it on to 15 of your fave blogs! My post:


    Victoria at Mrs. Camera Happy

  5. How adorable - both baby and hat! Do you think i could get away with wearing one of these? I'm 34...

  6. Oh that is too cute! Yes, he will probably ask you to hide those pics one day. Haha! Love this idea : )

  7. Such a cute little one you have! Great job on the hat...oh I wish my girls were still little!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment on my Cardigan Pillow! I just love this sweet little hat, absolutely adorable!!!

  9. OMGosh!!! I so love it! Wish I had a little one just to do these fun things!

  10. Stopping by from Fun Stuff Fridays!

  11. Somebunny is very cute in his new hat! :D

  12. Hi Lisa: I'm Connie @, a new GF friend, I would love it if you would stop back and follow me, too.
    The Baby is adorable, he looks like he's having a ball with those eggs.
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. LISA! Your little baby bunny is absolutely darling! And you are one creative mommy!

  14. How cute! I want to make one for my goddaughter. Thanks for sharing the directions!

  15. That's so ... well, more like sew ... adorable. My little bunny is approaching his 15th so no more bunny hats here. Though, now I can completely humiliate him by splashing his room around the blog world ...


  16. Super cute idea! Thanks for linking up at friday fun party.. :)

  17. Such a super cute hat! I love the two whites together that you have him wearing. Adorable!

  18. The hat is so cute and your son looks adorable in it! I might have to make one of these for my son.

    I would love if you would share this and any other posts at my new link party:
    Thanks and I hope to see you there!

  19. O my cuteness! He is just so cute! What a great photo op too. Thanks so much for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays!

  20. you're killing me. this is the cutest first easter photo shoot ever. EVER!!


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