Here's where I go to party...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sew Burp Cloths

I started out with nine burp clothes when Connor was born. I quickly learned that nine isn't nearly enough for a baby that spits up A LOT. Stores charge so much for a piece of fabric so I knew making my own would be cheaper...and more fun!

My first idea was to take some old shirts and turn them into cute burp clothes. I started by washing, drying, and ironing all my fabric.

I measured a burp cloth I already had and used that as a template for these. I marked the lines on the inside of the shirt.

Then I cut out both the front and back of the shirt and pinned them with right sides together.

Just like you would sew a pillow, I stitched around the edges and left a small opening at one end. Then I turned the fabric right side out and stitched the opening closed.

Here's my Bambi burp cloth...
and my FLIRT burp cloth...
(There's rhinestones so it's a little girly, but he won't know!)

Since those turned out so cute, I tried out some other types of fabric. This owl fabric was very similar to the burp cloth fabric that they used in the hospital.

Animals in a stretchy knit fabric
Flannel in a quilt pattern

Flannel fabric with some cute patches ironed on
After working with so many types of fabric and giving them all a try with burping, it was fun to see which ones work best. I love the feel of the knit fabric because it's soft. The flannel absorbs the most liquid, so they tend to last the longest in our house. But they're all super cute, so I use them daily!


  1. lots o' cuteness here, lisa! xoxo

  2. Great minds think alike! Burp cloths are so fun to make, especially for your own baby! He is adorable! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! Have a great day!

    Shirley @

  3. So cute! I love the Bambi burp cloth!

  4. I adore the Bambi burp cloth! We never had enough burp cloths in our house for either kid! Great idea to make them - they are so cute!

  5. My dear you freaking rock as always! I'm loving the Bambi one also :)

  6. These are really cute!! Would love to have you share them at my party going on right now! I am going to be making some burp cloths soon too....Would love to have you be my newest follower! Following you!

  7. These are adorable! Love them -- and so wish I could sew



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