Here's where I go to party...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Monthly Baby Photo Idea

I'm so, so happy that I started this idea when my little guy was a newborn. I took a photo of him every month on a desk calendar and marked off the date. My plan was to make a collage after 12 months so we could see how much he's grown. There were months when it was hard to get him to sit still, but I'm so glad I stuck with it. The final collage is amazing!

I printed out a large version of it and set it up on some foam board at his birthday party for everyone to see. I also hung one on my cube wall at work and so many people have stopped by to take a look at it.
If you're pregnant or have a newborn baby, this is such a fun way to mark each month and look back to see how big they've gotten in such a short time!


  1. Very fun monthly photo idea! Super creative

  2. It looks great! My month photos were all in random places, but I love the calendar idea!

  3. My dear you yet again make me wish I had a baby in the house. This is so cute and amazing to look back on his growth :)

  4. Thats a unique spin on all the monthly photos that are out there. I have a 2 month old, and we are doing something similar. He's my 4th, and dang it, he's the first one we did the once a month thing for :( You'll love your collage forever! I'd love it if you stopped by my brand new blog and took a look around. Thanks and have a great Wednesday!

  5. How cute is this! I wish I'd been diligent in doing monthly photos with my boys. Since its a little late for them, I've been attempting to do half-year photos. It's so amazing being able to see how much your little one has changed. Time passes so quickly that it's easy to forget those early months. I'm sure you'll cherish this forever! (I know I would :)

  6. What a fun idea, I love it! Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!

  7. Super cute, I'm due any day now and I'd been looking for ideas. This is cute!!!

  8. Fabulous idea! Wow--it's crazy how fast they change and grow. What a creative way to show it.
    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina

  9. So adorable! What a great memory keeper! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!

  10. You're a STAR! Featuring your fantastic idea today on the blog. Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create!

    <3 Christina

  11. Wonderful idea and I love the little monkey a lot (and I mean the toy)!

  12. Great idea! This would be a great gift for the grandparents too!

  13. Such an adorable idea, especially in classic black and white! The desk calendar makes such a good 'size reference' =)


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