Here's where I go to party...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Burp Cloth Cupcakes

I've been dying to make these for a couple years now. I loved the homemade burp clothes I made for myself, so I figured I'd make more for some of my friends who were pregnant.

I made the burp clothes from flannel - see the tutorial here. It's super easy and quick to do which is great when you have a little one to take care of at the same time. (If you don't want to make your own burp clothes, you could always buy some too.)

Then I folded each burp cloth and pressed the folds with an iron. (Yeah, my leopard print ironing board cover really sucks for photos, but I love it!) First, I folded each side towards the middle.

Then I folded again and ironed the cloth to flatten it.

I tightly rolled each burp cloth.

The ends are pinned with two stick pins.

To add some extra color and fatten up the cupcakes, I cut out some strips of felt using a pinking shears and wrapped them around each burp cloth roll.

I added another layer of fabric on top of the green felt too.

To make the cupcake box, I found one that fit the "cupcakes" pretty well. Since it didn't have an opening to show off the goodies inside, I adjusted it myself. I took the top of the box and measured a square in the middle to cut out.

Using an exacto knife, I cut out the square opening.

I had some cellophane left over from another project so I used a small piece and taped it along the edges.

I placed each cupcake in a cupcake cup and added some fun blue confetti between each one.

Wishing the mom a *sweet* little boy when he arrives!


  1. These are so cute. I am going to make some for my daughter.
    Have a great week.

  2. I've never seen those before. So cute Lisa!!!

  3. These are so sweet!!!! I want to make some. Thanks for showing how to make them. Linda

  4. And yet again you come up with the cutest thing ever!!!


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