Here's where I go to party...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Miss Black Thumb

If you've known me for awhile, you know that I have no interest in gardening.  I am known for killing any plant that is given to me and I have no interest in watering anything.  I'm fine with the grass in our yard as long as it's green.  The husband has been talking about pulling out all the bushes around the house and I told him he could do whatever he wanted as long as I don't have to water anything or take care of anything.

So over the weekend, we were out at Home Depot (our home away from home), when I spotted a very sad little lilac bush named Miss Kim for 50% off.  I gave her a double-take and said something to the husband about it.  (Lilacs are my favorite scent and he knows I love them!)  Since we were already buying mulch, he suggested we just buy it.  Before I could second-guess my decision, I grabbed her and put her in the cart with Connor.

On the way home, I wondered if I made the right decision.  I'm going to kill her so quickly!  But the husband helped me plant her in the backyard and he's been watering her every day for me.  I'm so excited to see it bloom...if she lasts that long!


  1. I hope it blooms too!! I am also a known killer of all things green. I did not inherit my mom's green thumb!!

  2. I hear you! I can't keep anything alive around here. Good Luck!

  3. good luck with miss kim! I don't know if you remember when I transplanted those butterfly bushes last spring, but they were both doing so well and you know, living. when we got back from vacation we had to cut one down that looked like it was dying, and hopefully it will come back? i'm not sure. s thought either people were letting their dogs go on it or it was getting too much rain (it's sort of in line with the downspout). I think it wasn't getting enough sun. grr. good luck with yours!!

  4. She'll be fine. We have about 5 of them in the yard and they are so hardy. I swear I forget to water at time and they are there every year.


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