Here's where I go to party...

Friday, August 30, 2013

Sesame Street Birthday Party DIY

My little guy just turned 2!  (They grow up way too fast!)  I wanted to share some of the cute decorations and designs I made for his Sesame Street party.

I designed invitations and backed them on colored cardstock.  I also printed matching address labels for the envelopes.  (My trick to save money is to buy a package of colored card stock and cut them to size rather than buying individual sheets from a craft store.  I save a lot of money and then I have leftover cardstock to use for other projects.)

Party hat with a yarn pom-pom

Noise makers - not just for the kids!

I took off the fabric garden flag we had up and replaced it with a sign backed on cardboard.  Of course, this wouldn't work in bad weather, but it was a perfect day out.

Front door sign

Right inside the front door, I set up a little table with balloons, Sesame Street characters, goody bags, and noise makers.  On the wall, I hung up photos from the year with the month written on each one so guests could see how he's grown during the past year.

Happy Birthday banner and colored streamers in the kitchen

Chocolate-covered pretzels are always a hit at every party we have!

Cookie Monster and Elmo fruit platters

Rubber duckies swimming in blue jello

We decided on a hot dog buffet for dinner because it's one of Connor's favorite foods.

I put all the utensils in the Elmo basket and hung balloons from the handle.

The one thing I didn't make was the cake, but the bakery did a great job on it.  Connor was so excited when he saw a giant Elmo on his cake!

It tasted good too!

We had a great time and Connor was such a big boy!


  1. Such a cute party! I love those Rubber Duckies in the Jello. :)

  2. What a great party! I have a Connor too-- great name! ;) I love all the details that you thought of, and I'm sure he did too! I popped over from Practically Functional-- thanks for sharing!

    ~Abby =)

  3. Happy Birthday Connor! Looks like you had a great birthday! Love all the details! Great job! Is party planning in your future???

  4. What an awesome party, it looks like it turned out great! I love all the decor and food ideas, too cute! Pinning for sure, and thank you so much for sharing at my link party!

  5. Wow 2 already!!! Time sure does fly by!

    LOVE LOVE this party, you know how I'm a sucker for a theme!

    I always love how you do the pictures on the wall.

    Great job mom!

  6. Those fruit platters are adorable! I don't have any kids, but I'll have to break out that trick next time we see the nieces & nephews! And Happy Birthday to Connor :)

  7. i don't know what I like more-his name on everything making it super personal or that flag idea or the fruit!

  8. Happy Birthday you your little one!
    I love all the party ideas and you did an awesome job!

  9. This is really cute! Love the duckie jello & the window streamers -simple but colorful. I'm thinking of a Sesame St birthday party for LO, so will have to Pin.

  10. What a festive party! So wonderful!

  11. What a cute party! I had a sesame street party for my first little boys first birthday! :) Its such a fun and colorful theme! Thanks for sharing at {Homemade By You}


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