Here's where I go to party...

Thursday, July 3, 2014

4th of July Baby Footprints Craft

Baby's first craft!

I did so many little foot and handprint crafts with Connor, so I wanted to make sure I do some with little Caylee before I get too busy.  This super easy painting project turned into a huge mess, but at least it came out cute!

The mess: I usually do painting crafts in the bathtub to make clean up easier with a kid.  However, I forgot that I usually leave their diaper ON until we're done and ready to turn the water on.  So right after I painted her foot, we had a big "code brown" all over the tub.  And then to add to the chaos, Connor put liquid soap all over his hands to help clean up, but rubbed it all over the carpet!  So my plans to do a bunch of versions and use both feet didn't work so well, but at least I got one foot!

Hope you all have a happy 4th with your families and friends!

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