Here's where I go to party...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Signs of spring...and my TRUTH

I am SUPER excited about winter being over. There are signs of spring popping up everywhere and it puts a smile on my face.

I switched out our front door decor to this leafy green wreath.
I love hanging this as my first hint of warm weather to come!

Our little plants haven't been doing so well lately, so we decided to give them a new home. These pots were old, cracked, and dirty, so it was time for something bigger & better.
We found these pretty textured pots at Ikea.
Using some new potting soil, we replanted our plants in these larger pots.
And all the snow in our yard is GONE!
I'm looking forward to breaking out the spring clothes, opening windows, and enjoying the warm weather!

• • •

And on another topic, earlier this week I posted about my first blog award.

I was given the task of writing 7 statements about myself - one true and 6 false.

So here's my answers in case you were curious:

1. I enjoy watching The Weather Channel.
FALSE - It can get pretty boring to watch that and I'm too impatient. MTV, E! and TLC are more my style

2. My husband and I met at a fraternity party.
TRUE - Neither of us were Greek, but we ended up at the same party one Feburary night in 2002. I still have the sequined hot pink halter top I was wearing that night!

3. My cat lived on a farm before we adopted him.
FALSE - Kitty was actually found abandoned in a patch of chrysanthemums. He was brought to a rescue in Iowa where I saw him and fell in love!

4. I love going to see movies.
FALSE - I hate going to movie theaters. I'd rather be in bed with my feet up and watching a tv show.

5. My favorite food is ice cream.
FALSE - While I do love me some ice cream, it's not my favorite food.

6. I played soccer as a child.
FALSE - Are you crazy? I'm way too much of a girly girl for that! I was a dancer and gymnast.

7. I wear glasses when I read.
FALSE - I don't wear glasses at all, but sometimes I think I should...

Thanks for playing along!


  1. Love the white pots above the fridge! Very chic... :) And, your yard looks like mine now! No snow, woohoo!

    Thanks for joining in at TGC! :) off to mosey around your site..

  2. Bee-You-Tee-Full! Lovin' that green wreath! I hopped in from The Girl Creative and am so glad I did. Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place soon when you get a moment. until later...

  3. Your new friend and blog follower. YEA for Fridays. Would love if you followed me too. :)

  4. You just HAD to post a snowless picture, didn't you? I blame you for this!!!!

  5. Visiting you from New Friend Friday. Love your new pots...although the old ones were pretty sweet, too. And your wreath looks so fresh and different.

    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hey LIsa, thanks for linking up at RE today. I love the Home is ... series. Love the green wreath! SO pretty.

    Don't forget when you link up to put the RE button or URL back on your post here. Part of the linky rules :)

    Happy Easter, friend!


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