Here's where I go to party...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's my birthday! The big 2-8

Today I am officially out of my mid-twenties and into the late twenties. Yes, that's right, I'm 28 today and it sounds a little scary!

Birthday have always been a huge thing for me ever since I was little. My parents always made a big deal and I looked forward to planning my birthday party for months. And are you even surprised that at all my birthday parties we did some type of craft? I always thought it was so cool to do a craft project at my parties instead of the usual cake, ice cream, and chatter. I also hated birthday cake so my dad would go out and buy me a chocolate chip coffee cake decorated with my favorite obsession from that year like Snoopy or Kermit.

That's why it's kind of hard for me to be an adult and have a birthday...I feel like some of the excitement is gone. Since my birthday is on a Wednesday, I can't take off work in the middle of the week. So I'm stuck working today, but I'm off Friday so I can have a birthday celebration weekend!
(Or cake works too...)

So while I know my birthday isn't what it was when I was 5, I'm going to make the best of it. I have plans for all 3 days to see family & friends and I'm really looking forward to it!


  1. I'm huge on birthdays too. I tell everyone the multiple celebrations MIGHT end when I'm 31. 30 is going to be one big blowout though. Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday!! I hope you enjoy your birthday week!


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