Here's where I go to party...

Friday, April 16, 2010

What makes a runner?

This is something that I haven't talked about very often on here, but it's a big part of my life.
I'm kinda obsessed with working out.

I was never very athletic growing up and would do everything I could to get out of gym class in school. I barely passed the mile run and hated it with a passion. I was a dancer and always went by the excuse that dancers are NOT runners and don't ever want to be.

One time in college, my roommate begged me to go running with her. I always said no, but one day I gave in and tried it...I swear to you, I fell into a bush from exhaustion after ONE block!

I've been working out more routinely for the past 6 years, but didn't get hard-core until the last few years. I started to become unhappy with my body and bumped up my workout days to 4 or 5x a week. It took a few months, but I saw results! I finally had muscle on my body for the first time! I could tell that my endurance was improving and I was feeling more exhilarated from a good workout.

So just in the past couple of months, I've started to focus a lot on running. As I said, I was never a runner. But one day, I had this sudden burst of energy and ran my fastest mile yet. And then I beat my time again...and again...and again! The more I beat my best time, the more motivated I am to keep going!

Last week I ran the longest I have ever run without stopping and I had to hold back the tears when I finished. I could not believe how far I've come since I fell in the bush in college!

So to celebrate, I went out and got some MUCH-NEEDED running shoes! It took me 3 attempts to find some I liked, but these are great!

And I also couldn't pass up a great bargain on a Nike shirt. I decided that I'm finally enough of a runner to deserve a real working out shirt instead of the "wife-beaters" I usually wear.

So what really makes a runner? Just because you don't have the best time or aren't very athletic, can you be a real runner? Can someone who once couldn't even run 1 block be considering a runner now? I'd love your input and comments.

Linking up to:
The Girl Creative

Friday Follow at One2Try


  1. Congrats - fromt he sound of how far you've come I'd definitely say you are a runner! Stopping by from New Friend Friday @ TGC:)

  2. Follow back from Friend Friday

  3. This is an extremely inspiring story, thank you for posting it. I feel like I have had similar struggles with running and it's great to see that you are meeting/beating your self-set goals. Congrats!

  4. Happy Friday Follow!!

  5. Hi There! I like those shoes a lot! i sometimes wish i was a 'runner'- just for the shoes.:)

  6. Good for you! I know how good I feel after a run, so keep up the good work! New follower from FF. Enjoy your weekend.

    Tracey :)

  7. Hope you had a great birthday- Enjoy your night out on the town!!

  8. A runner runs... often, lol. Too me it's just a state of mind. I'm your newest follower from New Friend Friday at The Girl Creative. I love you blog. Can't wait to read more.


  9. Good for you! you must really love it. I am more of a walker not a runner!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog♥

  10. Happy Friday Follow! I'm your most recent follower! :-)

    Check out my blog at:

  11. I've always myself that same question. I run almost everyday, but usually only about 3 miles. My father in law, however, runs marathons, 50 milers, and Ultra marathons (100 miles). He is a runner. No question about it. But the jury is still out on me. :) Happy FF! Just wanted to stop by to wish you a happy weekend and I left you an earful!


  12. Hi there. I found your blog through Friday Follow. If you would be interested in following my blog, I would gladly return the favor.

  13. Hi! Poppin' in from Friday Follow to be your newest google follower! Hooray! Hope you're having a great weekend! Swing by my blog if you have a chance!

    Bridgette Groschen
    The Groschen Goblins

  14. Hi Lisa - Happy Belated B-day. I hope it was a fun one. I used to be a runner. I ran in mini marathons in college and a few years after, but hurt my back and can't run anymore. It is hard some days as I have the urge to just get out and run, but know I will be laid up for weeks if I do. I walk fast and do pilates every other day which keeps me happy - and really cool running sneakers - always!

  15. Found you through Friday Follow.

    I would love to be a runner. I actually started running at the end of last summer, and I loved it. I felt so great when I ran. Now, I'm trying to get back into it. My problem is getting up early in the morning to do it since I know I definitely won't do it after work.


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