Here's where I go to party...

Monday, April 19, 2010

A little spring cleaning...

While I waited for the patched wall in the bathroom to dry last week, I had some time to do some spring cleaning.

You may have noticed that I added a few things on my blog. It's funny how most graphic designers are great at web design and html, but I suck at it. I never took a class in web design in college because I wanted to focus on print design. Kinda regret this decision now, but thanks to my friend, Google, and some great tutorials, I was able to figure this out pretty easily.

See above?
The magenta buttons below the heading are compilations of all my recipes and crafts I've shown on here.

See below each post?
I added a LinkWithin. I love this features on some of the blogs I visit, so why not add it to mine?

And another area that got some major spring cleaning was our walk-in closet. While I'd love to buy new clothing dividers and shelves for this area, what we have now works pretty well. I just have a LOT of clothes and they get messy when I start pulling things down to try them on.

Long sleeves & short sleeves on the top
Capris, dress pants, jeans, shorts, and skirts on the bottom

Purses and bags in yellow crates on the top shelf

Ok, I have a LOT of sweaters...but I promise some of them are almost 10 years old! These get so messed up when I start pulling them down, so I refolded everything and organized by sleeve length and thickness.

Boots, gym shoes, heels, and the crate in the corner for dry cleaning

This area has recently become fun again now that it's warm. Flats, sandals and flip-flops galore!

And speaking of spring cleaning, I wanted to show you the awesome giveaway I won recently from In My Own Style. It was my first visit to the blog and I randomly won these fun cleaning gloves and pretty turquoise earrings! Thanks Diane!

Have you done any spring cleaning in the past few weeks?


  1. Hi..I’m Barb from Fri. Follow. I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @
    & get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well.

  2. You caught the bug, eh? Your spring cleaning seems to have covered everything -- from closet, bathroom and even your blog. Well, spring is a beautiful season, and the perfect time to get all of these done. I hope the organized state stayed for most of the year. Have a nice day!

    Bo Tolbert @ HJS Supply Co.


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