Here's where I go to party...

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I didn't sleep very well last night and woke up with a sore back and cold feet. But this morning when I grabbed my laptop (still in bed, of course) I refreshed my Google Dashboard and saw my smiling face up there.

I'm featured on The Hand Me Down House today! Amanda is one of the sweetest bloggers I've met and she is so creative when it comes to ideas for her house. Her unique projects always amaze me and I wonder how she even has time to sleep with everything she's accomplished!

Then I went to eat breakfast and came back to find another feature of me on Amaretto Vineyard! Jessica is a new blogger who started a blog just as she began the journey moving to a new house (like me) and to share her creativity and bargains with others (also like me). So I look forward to seeing her new home and future projects!

I'm truly honored to be chosen twice in one day! Thanks so much to both of you and all of my other blogging friends who keep me inspired on a daily basis!


  1. Congrats on your features!

    Ps...Thank you for your sweet comment on my fall mantel.

    Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”

  2. Oh pumpkins with a twist! Let me know how they turn out!!

    Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”

  3. Yeah - thanks for mentioning me here! And thanks for all of the great inspiration! :)


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