Here's where I go to party...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Craft Room Organization

All my craft supplies were a mess before I started organizing. I have so many half-finished crafts and random supplies from every little artsy interest I've ever had. I even worked at Michaels in high school and still have a lot of stuff I bought back then.

So as I was hard at work updating our craft room/guest room, I came up with an easy idea to store all my stuff. Look, Kitty worked hard too.

Anyway, I wanted to store all my stuff in plastic totes with labels. For months, I searched for cute labels that I thought would work, but nothing really caught my eye. So one day I realized I could design labels to match the bedding I bought for the room. (See the sheets above that Kitty is sleeping on.) So I designed these labels below and printed out a few sheets of them.

My next dilemma: how do I get these labels to be removable in case I change what's in each tote? My solution: contact paper

Using spray glue, I glued 3 sheets of labels onto contact paper.

Once the glue was dry, I cut them out and named each one.

And here they are looking all cute in my closet



I love that I can find anything I need quickly and it's all hidden when you walk in the room!

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  1. Great Organization! I *try*, it starts out organized, but somehow, it doesn't always end up back into the neat, sorted stashes!

  2. Nice job! Contact paper was an awesome idea! Thanks for the tip!

  3. Looking good and organized! I'm not sure what contact paper does but it looks like it got the job done lol.

  4. Looks great! Love the idea to make your own labels...ingenious! What program did you use?

  5. Good job. I wish I would have a craft room. As it is I only have a few shelves in my wardrobe for all of my crafting stuff. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.

  6. I love the labels! I'm an organizing nut so it's totally up my alley! BTW - I'm super jelous that you worked at Michaels! We have one opening near us (finally!!) and I told my husband if I had enough time free to be able to work there part time I so would just to get good deals on craft stuff! It's probably best I don't have the time - I live in a small house!

  7. What a cool idea! I'm so no crafty. I always tell my mom I'm going to have to move closer to her when we get around to having kids so she can help mine with crafty things.

  8. Wow, I love the cute labels. I have labels in my closet that I just printed out - but you have bumped it up a notch. Now I have to redo all of mine, thanks to you! Ha!

  9. Love the organizaation! Very creative!
    I have a big request for all of you bloggers out there, I am in a contest for one of the posts I did on losing some weight. I just really need to have your vote because I would love to win this contest! All you need to do is go to the link I will put below and first become a fan or push the like button and then go to the right column and under the 14 pictures, click on my picture and make a comment that you vote for me! I know the power of blogland is big, so can you please vote! I would so, so, appreciate it!!!!/pages/Lehi-UT/Kristi-Approved/391083710513?ref=ts

  10. really good idea. i love labels and organizing! please come do my craft room next lol. i hope you link up to a crafty soiree (-:

  11. I love those labels. How beautifully organized you are. Thanks for sharing.


  12. Organization is good. Cute organization is better! I love the labels.

  13. Cute cute labels! What a great idea. I'm curious, too, about what program you used to create them.

  14. Awesome idea! Organizing my workshop is on my "To Do" list. Thanks for the idea!

  15. Hi Lisa! I just wanted to comment and say I love your cat...he looks too cozy here. :)

  16. What a great idea! I never would have thought to attach the labels to contact paper!! I will most definitely be trying this in the future!


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