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Monday, January 16, 2012

DIY Sew Pacifier Clips

Wow, looking back at these photos make me realize how much he's grown since I took them! Anyway, my cute son, Connor, is obsessed with his BFF - the pacifier. We always make sure he has one with him at all times. I got a couple pacifier clips for my baby shower, but I get sick of seeing the same ones all the time. Why not make a few of my own?
I based my measurements on the pacifier clips we already had since they seemed to work pretty well for us. I used a small piece of fabric that was about 4" x 10".

I folded both edges towards the middle and pinned them.

Then I ironed the folded fabric as shown below.
Once I unpinned, I folded the edges in towards the middle again.

I just used a simple straight stitch to close the fabric strap.
Most craft store sell these clips. I took my fabric strip and folded it over the metal loops.

To hide the unfinished edge, I just folded the fabric over a little and sewed it closed on the sewing machine.

On the other side of the fabric strip, I folded the edge over and sewed it closed too.

To add the loop, I made a tiny cut in the top of the strip.

I stuffed both ends of the loop inside and pinned them to the fabric.

Using my sewing machine, I just sewed back and forth a few times to keep the loop from coming loose.

And here's Connor showing off his new paci clip!

Very easy and fun to make them to match different outfits!


  1. Super cute, Lisa!!! Connor is growing so fast. What a cutie pie!

  2. You my dear are too freaking amazing! It turned out great!

  3. Love it! Won't you consider sharing with my readers at ?



  4. I love these, and made some too for Carter, and haven't pulled them out yet for Wyatt! Thanks for the reminder!

  5. Very cute and adorable
    I love your creativity:)
    I don't have kids yet, but lots of nephews and nieces....

  6. What a great idea. I haven't seen these in England, I don't think but I love them - and your versions are, of course, particularly brilliant!!


  7. Awesome tutorial!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing. Your son is precious.

  8. What every well-dressed dapper diaper-wearer must have!



  9. Great detailed tutorial.. So cute to have matching pacifier cips with the baby dress.. :)
    Thanks for linking up!

  10. This is genius! Great tutorial! This is now on my to-do list.


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