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Monday, January 23, 2012

Valentine's Day Decorating

I'm embarrassed to say I'm a little behind on the decorating this year. I love decorating for Valentine's Day because it's a holiday about love and has nothing to do with religion. I also think the decor & accessories are so cute, so it's tempting to want to buy & make it all!

Time to bring out some of my favorites!

Felt Heart Wreath
This was all the rage with my friends last year. I ended up making a bunch of them when they all wanted their own!

Glittery XO Letters
I love these and I can just stick them in random places in the house to make it look a little more festive.

Paper Hearts Banner
This was a quickie project I did while watching tv a couple years ago. I wish I would have laminated it, but it's still holding up pretty well.
Happy decorating! Hopefully, I'll get to mine this weekend!


  1. aww, that hearts banner is super cute! i have some v's stuff that i haven't put out. bought it all on mega clearance a few years ago, and they still have the tags. i'm gonna see about painting them and making them work in my living room. we'll see!

  2. I love the X and O. I currently have a million and one Valentine decorating ideas and projects in my head, but have yet to do much about it. Maybe once the house is clean. :o)

  3. Found you on Sugar Bee Crafts, Great post!

  4. I love your homemade Valentine's decor, so fun! I really need to make some. I realized that I have like no Valentine's decor at all, I gotta get on that!

  5. Fun!!! I love it all, but the wreath is my favorite!!

  6. I love all your cute Vday stuff! I really need to bring mine out... :)

    I would love it if you joined my weekly Friday link party if you are interested:

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Simply Designing

  7. Hello Lisa..came to know about you from Hani's have here very very pretty decorations quite apt for the occasion..luv the banner and wreath so much:)pls visit my blog when you get time..warm regards, Mini.

  8. so cute.. I love the hearts banner the most..
    Thanks for linking up!

  9. You freaking rock!!! My dear can you come live close by and I'll cook for you :)

  10. CUTE! I am still in love with that wreath!

  11. Hey lovely,

    I haven't done ANYTHING decorative for Valentine's Day this year. I know, I know - the shame is burning in my cheeks!! But, to be honest, it was more for me than for my husband so I thought I'd take a year off and stay busy growing a baby!!

    But I love your ideas!! - and good for you for taking it easy. These days go so fast!




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