Here's where I go to party...

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Blogging Tip - Who Are You?

I've been meeting a lot of new bloggers lately (hello to you!) so I just wanted to give you a quick tip that will be very helpful.

Some of you may not have all your settings updated so when you comment on blogs, your comment will come from the generic address we know as When this happens, the person who received the comment can't reply and respond back.

There is an EASY fix! I posted the secret awhile ago and I want to pass it on again. Go here to follow the instructions and fix it.

Happy Friday!


  1. Great post! I so like when I am able to respond to a question asked. Thanks!

  2. Amen! Seriously, one of my biggest pet peeves!

  3. oh man... this is always good advice to hear... thanks for helping me with it!

  4. Lisa, thank you so much for posting this. It's so important to me that I reply to everyone that takes the time to comment on my blog, and it always makes me sad when I come across a "no-reply" and can't answer their question or return their kindness!

  5. Great tip! I had to check myself just to make sure. I do hate it when I can't respond to a comment. I hate to think people didn't realize they didn't have their email in there and think I'm just rude for not responding.


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