My little guy just turned 2! (They grow up way too fast!) I wanted to share some of the cute decorations and designs I made for his Sesame Street party.
I designed invitations and backed them on colored cardstock. I also printed matching address labels for the envelopes. (My trick to save money is to buy a package of colored card stock and cut them to size rather than buying individual sheets from a craft store. I save a lot of money and then I have leftover cardstock to use for other projects.)
Party hat with a yarn pom-pom

Noise makers - not just for the kids!
I took off the fabric garden flag we had up and replaced it with a sign backed on cardboard. Of course, this wouldn't work in bad weather, but it was a perfect day out.
Front door sign

Right inside the front door, I set up a little table with balloons, Sesame Street characters, goody bags, and noise makers. On the wall, I hung up photos from the year with the month written on each one so guests could see how he's grown during the past year.
Chocolate-covered pretzels are always a hit at every party we have!
Cookie Monster and Elmo fruit platters
Rubber duckies swimming in blue jello
We decided on a hot dog buffet for dinner because it's one of Connor's favorite foods.
I put all the utensils in the Elmo basket and hung balloons from the handle.
The one thing I didn't make was the cake, but the bakery did a great job on it. Connor was so excited when he saw a giant Elmo on his cake!
It tasted good too!
We had a great time and Connor was such a big boy!