Connor is currently obsessed with Despicable Me 2 and watches it at least a few times a week. He calls it something like "Nin-yinks" instead of Minions, but it's cute! For Valentine's Day, his daycare doesn't allow food to be brought in, so I thought it might be fun to do crayon Valentine's with Minions since they're his current favorite thing.
There's a lot of Minion printables floating around online right now, but none of them were quite right for what I needed. I ended up resizing them to make them fit the crayon boxes I used, and then I added a little red note on the back.

I had to hide them from Connor until Valentine's Day so he doesn't destroy them, but I can't wait to see his face when he sees them!

There's a lot of Minion printables floating around online right now, but none of them were quite right for what I needed. I ended up resizing them to make them fit the crayon boxes I used, and then I added a little red note on the back.

I had to hide them from Connor until Valentine's Day so he doesn't destroy them, but I can't wait to see his face when he sees them!