With only a week to pack up the whole house, I freaked out! As much as packing sucks, I really don't mind it too much because I know we're moving on to something bigger and better.
Here's some packing tips I've learned throughout the process:
1. Label, label, label! Even in the past week, I've found that I had to go back and look for something that was already packed. The more detailed you are, the easier it is to find things.
2. Create a FIRST OPEN box for things like cleaning supplies, paper plates/cups, toilet paper, rags, scissors, markers, tape, towels, and anything else you may need as soon as you get to your new home.
3. Make a list of every place you need to contact to change your address. Here's a quick list and some links:
IRS, utilities, doctors, credit cards, insurance (medical, car, home), workplace, banks, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, family/friends, schools, etc.
4. Color code each box. I bought colored stickers assigned each room it's own color. Then on every box, I put the corresponding sticker on the top so it would be easy to figure out where to put things in our new house.
5. Collect boxes, tissue paper, bubble wrap, tape, etc. ahead of time so you have a large amount before you start. It really sucks if you run out of boxes halfway through and need to find more ASAP.
6. Book your storage unit and/or moving truck ASAP. We couldn't book ours until a week before so it was hard to get the size and date we needed.
7. Lists are your friend. They might be overwhelmingly long, but they help me stay organized. Here's a great
checklist of things you may need to get done before you move.
And for your viewing pleasure, here is Kitty wondering why our house is full of boxes...

And then Kitty taking a nap on top of a stack of boxes...

And back to the packing!