Sunday, January 3, 2010

EASY Crockpot Chicken & Stuffing

I took out the crockpot over the weekend for another attempt...and it came out great! This chicken & stuffing recipe is SO simple and only uses a few ingredients. It was a big hit in our house!

• 4 thawed chicken breasts
• 6oz. package of Stove Top stuffing mix
• 1/2 cup sour cream
• 1 can of cream of chicken soup

Only 4 ingredients! Awesome!

First put your chicken in the crock pot.

Pour the package of stuffing on top.

Mix sour cream, soup, and 1/4 cup water in a small bowl.
Pour the mixture over the top of the chicken and stuffing.
Cook on LOW for 4 hours.
Fluff and serve! Yum!


  1. Featuring this on my facebook page today :)


    1. Made this for my family reunion and it was gone. Family loved it.

    2. Made this for my family reunion and it was gone. Family loved it.

    3. I used 3 cans canned chicken to make it easier! Worked great!

  2. This looks so tasty and I love that it's simple to make!

  3. This was super tasty. My dinner guests enjoyed how moist the chicken was. Thank you :)

  4. I made this last night and it was pretty incredible. Thank you!

  5. can you put the chicken in frozen or does it have to be thawed??

  6. I was wondering the same thing about the chicken being frozen or thawed...that will make a difference in the cook time.

  7. *Note: the chicken was thawed and I updated the ingredients above

  8. This sounds super easy and yummy. Can't wait to try it tomorrow. Thanks!

    1. This recipe is a big hit in my household too we just love it

  9. Made it for dinner & it was great! Thanks for posting the recipe.

  10. do you use the stove top seasoning? or just the bread crumbs?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Well evidently Stove Top has changed and the seasoning is already combined with the bread crumbs.

    3. I'm going to try this with boneless pork chops.

  11. Thank you for this wonderful and simple recipe! I made it this week and featured tonight on my blog.

    A big thanks!

  12. How long would you cook it if you just baked it in the oven?

  13. i used frozen chicken tenderloins, and it worked great!

    1. Did you cook the dish longer since your chicken was frozen? Looking to use frozen chicken tenderloins, as well. Thanks!

    2. How many tenderloins (in weight?) did you use? and how did it turn out using frozen? looking to do this as well. Thanks!

  14. Just what I needed! I am making this today - right now!

  15. I am making this tonight but I bought chicken flavored stuffing mix instead of the cornbread flavored. Will that make a difference?

  16. do you think there is a difference if i used split chicken breast instead? they are bone in so i was wondering if there would be a difference

  17. I have it going right now, but I added some carrots and diced red potatoes to it.

  18. Making this right now, and I will be featuring it on my blog:! Thank you :)

  19. I love chicken and dressing. Not sure about Stovetop Stuffing. Wonder if you could make it with real dressing? I mean the kind with cornbread, celery, onions, sage, etc.

  20. My mom used to make a really similar recipe, but when I attempted it - I failed miserably. It also was made in the oven, so maybe that's the problem. I was so happy to find your recipe and test it out! It was perfect. Next time I'm going to add celery to it - that's about the only difference between the ingredients in the two recipes :)

  21. I'm so glad I paid attention to the LOW part, since I have the very same crockpot and almost put it on for 4 hours on Thanks for the recipe! :)

    1. I have the same crockpot and high is 4 -6 hours and low is 8- 10 hours. So how do you get 4 hours on low?

    2. Use the low setting and a timer. It will be done after 4 hours.

  22. Try this recipe with adding shredded swiss cheese for the last hour cooking... amazing.

  23. I made this tonight!!! However, I only cooked on Low for 3 hours because I was afraid the chicken would be too dry. It was very tender and tasty but on the VERGE of being too dry so I would recommend only 3 hours! Otherwise, it was delish and very simple to make.

  24. I made this tonight!!! However, I only cooked on Low for 3 hours because I was afraid the chicken would be too dry. It was very tender and tasty but on the VERGE of being too dry so I would recommend only 3 hours! Otherwise, it was delish and very simple to make.

  25. I always add fresh or frozen vegetables to the chicken. Zucchini works great, one more way to use zucchini. I like frozen corn or mixed veggies or potatotes. Yummy!

  26. OMG I love stuffing but never make it because I'm afraid it will be too dry. This recipe sounds amazing and super easy. I'll have to give it a try! Can't wait to check out the rest of your blog :-)

  27. I'm in the process of making this right now. It smells amazing! I can only imagine it'll taste just as good!!

  28. Can't wait to try this. I absolutely LOVE stuffing. And I have a cat named "Kitty" too :) :)

  29. Okay I'm trying this today. I'm using a smaller crockpot so much chicken is pretty crowded on the bottom. I used light sour cream and cream of mushroom soup instead of cream of chicken. Stovetop chicken stuffing mix, too. *fingers crossed* Going to check it at 3 hours to see how it looks

    1. I have a smaller crock pot too, Im nervous about how it will turn out. How did it work out for you??

    2. It worked great! I was only able to use 3 chicken breasts. I would recommend using 2 cans of the soup because it seemed to need more liquid to work with. 3 hours was all it took and it was YUM!

  30. I want to try this but I'm away for at least 8 hours....anyone have a solution?

    1. Take it to work turn on and after lunch turn it off then put in fridge or keep on warm

    2. Take it to work turn on and after lunch turn it off then put in fridge or keep on warm

  31. I want to try this but I'm away for at least 8 hours....anyone have a solution?

    1. What if you set a timer on the outlet where you plug in the crock pot? Like a Christmas light timer or something similar, so that it comes on a few hours before you get home?

    2. Wouldn't that mean the products inside would go bad, cannot leave dairy and chicken out without cooking. Illness waiting to happen..

    3. Wouldn't that mean the products inside would go bad, cannot leave dairy and chicken out without cooking. Illness waiting to happen..

    4. Wouldn't that mean the products inside would go bad, cannot leave dairy and chicken out without cooking. Illness waiting to happen..

    5. How about you leave your chicken frozen, and instead of water use ice cubes? You can even put it all together in the Crockpot and freeze it. That way, it won't reach a critical temp before the timer turned the Crockpot on...maybe add 30 minutes or so to the cook time for thawing.

  32. I am making this right now. My crockpot is smaller, so I cut the chicken breasts into strips and made the recipe in two layers. I also used cream of mushroom soup on accident, so I'm sure I will have to try it again with the chicken soup and compare. Thanks!

  33. I don't have sour cream on hand, is there anything I can use as a substitute?

    1. I am trying this recipe tonight and I am substituting Greek Yogurt for the sour cream. It is much healthier for you and tastes the same.

  34. Hey there, for the person that asked about cooking for 8 hours, you most likely can do that with starting from frozen. Here is a link about cooking chicken from frozen:
    I am going to give this a try because I will be at hockey/ice skating with the kids for about 4 hours tonight and will be gone for 5-6 so I'm going to start this early for an 8 hour cook time... I will test the chicken temp and let you know how it goes! :)

  35. Could I use cream cheese instead of sour cream?

  36. I added swiss cheese and it was excellent!

  37. help! i have no cream of "anything soup" in the house and can't go out. any subsitute suggestions?? I was so looking forward to making this today

  38. duh... I just did a search and found this. its obviously not as convienent or quick, but I have all this stuff today.
    Looks to me to basically a flavored rue.

    so if anyone panic'd as I did scowering their pantry for a can of soup. here's a subsitute... how bad do you really want it?? :)

    I am starting mine now!!

    thank you for the original recipe :)


    • 1 tablespoon flour
    • 3 tablespoons butter
    • 1/2 cup chicken broth
    • 1/2 cup milk
    • salt and pepper, to taste

    1.Melt the butter in a small sauce pan over medium-low heat. When melted, whisk in the flour and continue whisking until smooth and bubbly. Remove from the heat and slowly whisk in the chicken broth and milk. Return to the heat and bring to a gentle boil, whisking constantly, until the soup thickens. Add salt and pepper to taste. Substitute this for one can of cream of chicken soup.

    1. Awesome! I hate when I need some and don't have I don't need to pack up the munchkin and run out just for this. thanks :)

  39. I am making this today for supper. I am sure it will be a big hit with my whole family. THank you!

  40. I made this today & it was awesome, even my hubby gave the go-ahead to make it again!

  41. I saw this and I am trying it tonight. But would it be possible to double this recipe? When I do cook I end up feeding a small army. Lol

  42. Have it in the crock right now!! I don't have any chicken breasts so I used 6 semi-thaw chicken tenders instead :-) Can't wait to see how it tirns out!!

  43. I recently purchased a Crock-pot that was on clearance ($7.49!). It isn't the most technologically advanced but it works! I used this recipe as my first Crock-pot dinner and it turned out great! Thank you for sharing this recipe :)

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. I was skeptical about this recipe but decided to try it since I was running low on groceries and happened to have all of the ingredients to make it.
    Even my daughter said it looked gross while it was cooking. my surprise it turned out really well! I put frozen Chicken Tenderloins into the crockpot instead of thawed breasts and it turned out perfect. Next time I may double the sauce (sour cream and soup) as we really liked the taste of it on top of the chicken and stuffing.
    Thanks for sharing this. We will definitely be having this again!

  46. can you substitute the sour cream? or just omitt altogether?

  47. Can you taste the sour cream? If so, can you substitute?

  48. Would it be ok to use chicken tenderloins?

  49. and also, do you need to stir it during the 4 hours?

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. ok so im new to cooking. lol my crock pot is small. it might hold 2 chickens. how will that work. Still the same amount

  52. Trying this in the oven right now, @375 double the stuffing, cream of soup and sour cream. Chicken breast are frozen. Hopefully it come our right.

    1. Hey Marcy how did it turn out in the oven?

  53. I want to put mine in the oven too. Going to double the stuffing. Marcy and I think alike!! :)

  54. I want to put mine in the oven too. Going to double the stuffing. Marcy and I think alike!! :)

  55. Thanks for the recipe! This was great!

  56. This is awesome!! Thank you so much. I have this cooking right now. I added chopped onions and minced garlic to the chicken. My chicken was purchased frozen, so I placed the chicken in the Crockpot on high with a can of cream of mushroom. Once the chicken was thawed I added the stuffing and cream of chicken/sour cream mixture. I'll let you know how it turns out.

  57. PS: I love my gravy so I added the extra can of soup and a total of 1 cup of sour cream. Thawing the chicken took about 30 minutes.

  58. I have it in the crockpot now :-)

  59. I just made this tonight, and since my crockpot is smaller, used tenderloins instead of breasts (it's also personal choice). I cooked it on low for THREE hours, and added more sour cream and another can of cream of chicken in the last hour. Right before serving, I sprinkled it with shredded cheddar cheese, since my son prefers that over any other. It would have been pretty dry without the extra soup, but that may be because my crock pot seems to be quicker with cooking than most suggested times. I stirred once after about 2 hours, but only fluffed it at bit. Tastes AMAZING!

  60. Made this today. Turned out great!!! So simple to make!!!!!

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Making it now. Uswd two cans of soup one chicken and one mushroom. Added half of a cut onion and a bag of corn from garden. No water and a cup of sour cream and 6 chicken breast parshelly thawed and one bag of stuffin garlis salt and pepper. Going to check every hour to stir. Looking forward to try it!!!

    1. How did it get with the partially frozen chicken? I never stir mine except to fluff the stuffing

    2. How did it get with the partially frozen chicken? I never stir mine except to fluff the stuffing

  63. It tasted so good... def think that when the next time I make it im goubg to cut up the chicken.. its so tasty

  64. Trying this today! I love stuffing, but always make it too dry so I'm hopeful this will work!

  65. Should I add the water and butter per the box of stuffings ingredients?

  66. You're going to laugh girlie. I saved this on Pinterest to my meal plan week. Then I open it up today to make it and see it's you ... lol.

    I don't remember seeing this ... hehe. Making it now :)

  67. Made this tonight. Didn't really work out as planned. I had no cream of chicken so i used cream of mushroom but follwed everything else by recipe. Threw it all together cooked for the right amount of time and i got a sloppy mushy mess. I gave it a go and it tastes REALLY good but it's just visually unappealing.
    Did I do something wrong?

  68. I made this tonight. It was pretty darn good. Definietly done after 3 hours. The chicken was on the dry side (but to me chicken breast is dry so i'm used to it). I added a can of drained corn on top of the stuffing before the sour cream mix. It was thrown together in less than 5 minutes. Will make agian, thanks!

  69. No chicken on hand. So you think i could use pork chops and cream of mushroom soup instead?

    1. Oh, I bet that would be yummy!!!

    2. I tried it with cubed pork loin, cream of mushroom soup and cornbread stuffing. Very Delicious!

  70. Made this today, smells AMAZING cooking! I LOVE stuffing so I am excited to taste it tonight. Insted of the 1/4c water, I used a 1/4c chicken broth =)

  71. ok soo extra can of soup and more sour cream..what flavor stuffing?

  72. Hi this looks so there anything I can use in subsitute for the cream out chicken soup since I am highly allergic to milk....I have found a dairy free sour cream to use. ..

    1. I'm wondering if using jarred chicken/turkey gravy would work. I bet it would and may just try it that way myself.

  73. I made this exactly as stated and everyone loved it! It was so easy! I am going to make the stuffing portion of this on Thanksgiving, as it is so much better than just plain stuffing!! Thank you!

  74. if i want to add potatoes, carrots, and onions, where would they go? on top or underneath the chicken?

  75. in other words, where is the best place to put these veggies???

  76. Hoping to make this tonight in the oven instead of crock pot, has anyone had luck with this? And if so what temp and how long? Did you double any of the ingredients? Thanks in advance! Hopefully someone sees this before I give it a go! :)

    1. I did it in the oven for about 50 minutes at 375, and doubled the sauce ingredients. Perfect!!

  77. I'm making this tonight, but will have to feed 10 people. Should I double/triple the recipe and bake in the oven perhaps?! How many people does this recipe generally feed? I will have 4 adults, 2 teenagers, and 4 children... any comments?

    1. I made this for 8 people by using 5 chicken breasts and doubling all the other ingredients. All of my kids can eat like "normal adults" and they (and I) all had half of a breast and some of the sauce/stuffing mix on top with a glass of milk and it was filling enough that I almost couldn't finish my portion and one of my 6 year olds couldn't finish his. Hope this helps! :)

  78. I just made this for dinner love it I did double sour cream soup and water after reading some says it gets dry. Also added onions garlic and other spices. Along with homemade biscuits and green beans.

  79. Instead of using water to thin the sauce use white wine, so delicious!!

  80. I am trying this for dinner tonight, I put in 5 chicken breasts (which just barely covered the bottom of my crockpot) and I am doubling the other ingredients, so here's hoping it turns out as well as everyone has said :)

    Also, hoping to feed 3 adults and 5 children with this (assuming half a breast and some of the stuffing will be enough for me and each child)... might make some bread to go along with it just to be sure. In any case, I'll be back tonight or tomorrow letting everyone know how it went! :)

    1. So, I tried it. The amount that I did was enough for everyone without the bread (half of a breast for each child and myself) was enough. We actually had a little bit left over.

      All 5 of the kids, even our pickiest eater LOVED it. So that right there already means we'll be making it again in the future. My fiance liked it enough to eat it, but didn't comment one way or the other. My future mother-in-law and I weren't crazy about it though. For my future moth-in-law, she just doesn't like stuffing, so that kind of killed it for her. For me, the stuffing was a little too dry even covered in the soup/sour cream mix. I think next time I make it, I'll try mixing the soup/sour cream mix with the stuffing before pouring it over the chicken or something... I might also try it with rice and vegetables in place of the stuffing. :)

  81. I have this in the crockpot right now, only change was using chicken tenderloins and adding frozen green beans on top of the soup/sour cream (low-fat) mixture. I can hardly wait until it is done to eat it. Thanks!

  82. So good! Made this today! Thanks for the receipe !!!

  83. I made this today and it was so great! I cooked it for 3 hours and I thought the chicken was a little dry, but the whole family loved it. I doubled the recipe, but next time I will have to triple it. It was pretty amazing and I would have loved to have left overs!

  84. This was the best!! i doubled all ingredients and cooked for 3 1/2 hrs on family loved it... definitely a keeper crockpot recipe:).. Thank You!

  85. I made this last night, it was very good! Next time I might add an extra can of cream of chicken

  86. this looks so yummie! Im making it for dinner and i forgot to buy sour cream, what is a way to substitute it?

    Thanks, Victoria ( The Lovely Life)

  87. I have everything except the cream of chicken. Can I sub Cream of Mushroom or cream of potato?

  88. I prepared this last night. As suggested by many, I doubled the cream of chix soup and sour cream. I always buy the frozen pre-packaged breasts that you can buy from any store. I use that in all recipes that call for chicken and they all turn out fine. I cooked it on low for 3.5 hours. It turned out delicious. My pickiest child liked it as well!

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. I have made this recipe for years with a couple of tweaks. I lay strips of Swiss cheese on top of the chicken before the dressing and use Apple cider in place of the water to mix with the soup. Delisch!
    Saw this on Pinterest today.

  91. I think I might add a few dried cranberrys to suit the season ')

    1. I made this tonight ! I doubled the recipe & cut the chicken in chucks (for kids) also I put butter & the seasoning that comes like in a tray for whatever your cooking I used the chicken& dumping one & added it to the chicken.cranberry sauce on the side for now!!

    2. By the way it was great thank you ! I had to share on Facebook.

  92. if i use frozen chicken, can i cook it 6 hours on low?

  93. About how many servings does this make? I'm hoping to make this tonight, but I have to serve three hungry men and two women. Should I double the recipe?

    1. I would double it. My thought is that adults may eat 1-2 chicken breasts each, so you'd want to make sure you have enough. Hope you enjoy it!

  94. can you cook on high for 2 hours?

  95. Thanks! I featured this on my blog today. My family loved it! In place of the sour cream I just used a second can of cream of chicken. Next time I think Ill add some celery and corn. Thanks!


  96. I made this tonight and it was SO yummy!!! And even more importantly SO EASY!! I loved it and love you! ;)

  97. I made this tonight and it was SO yummy!!! And even more importantly SO EASY!! I loved it and love you! ;)

  98. Made this tonight for dinner and it was scrumptious! I'm fortunate that I live close to work, so I stopped home on my lunch hour and by the time I was done with work it was done. I cooked it on low for 4 hrs.on the dot. Great comfort food on a chilly evening. :)

  99. I have this in my slow cooker now!
    I used three partially thawed chicken breasts, one package of cornbread stuffing, 1 can of cream of chicken 1/2 cup of a creamy chicken gravy (since I didn't have any sour cream). The sauce looks a little looser than yours, but I think it's going to turn out amazing. Can't wait to try!

  100. Okay so I have to admit to being super skeptical about this recipe. I can count on one hand the number of successful crockpot dishes that I have made. If it weren't for another person commenting that she too was skeptical and had good results, I wouldn't have tried it.

    I must say dinner was delicious! I have a wide variety of pallets to please, including my hubby, a picky 7 year old and an overly opiniated teenager. Everyone ate! The hubby even commented on this being one of the best crockpot dishes I've ever made.

    Be warned, everything looks "gross" going into the crockpot, but it comes out very tasty. Will definitely be adding this to the "make again" category.

  101. I found this on Pintrest and decided to make it for dinner. OH MY... Its Wonderful! This has earned a spot in our meal rotation. Thank you

  102. I'm making this right now. Only instead of using sour cream I used cream cheese. (My family despises sour cream!) Also I panicked when it started looking burnt on the outside and added water and gave it a stir. Think it'll still turn out ok??

  103. does anyone know what the serving size would be for this meal if you followed it to a T?

  104. do i stir it or let it sit for 4 hours??

  105. How much time need to prepare this recipe?

  106. I can't wait to make this. So easy! I need simple recipes like this. Perfect.

  107. It looks delicious...! I am going to try this one. Thanks for sharing it here

  108. We made this recipe camping and it was a big hit!!!! Simple and delicious!!!!!!

  109. Making this right now, couldn't find stove top stuffing anywhere so had to use an off brand. Hope it turns out as good as everyone else's

  110. Just made this for dinner. Three hours, 2 cans of soup, 8 oz of sour cream, half a cup of water it was great. My picky husband who is usually the cook gave it an 8 out of 10 so that is really saying something. Wonderful winter night meal. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Glad you (and him) enjoyed it! Always great for a cold winter night!

  111. If I set it on high how long should I cook for? 2 hours and will it be tender...

  112. So excited to have this for our Christmas dinner tonight!

  113. I forgot to add water..... when is a good time to try and add it?

  114. It is not safe to cook frozen raw meat in a crockpot which is why this recipe calls for thawed chicken.

  115. I've made this several times now, so figured I'd finally comment! The whole fam loves it. Tasty and so easy to make. Cooks in 3 hours on low in my 6 qt. crock. Thanks for the recipe.

  116. I make crockpot chicken and stuffing all the time...never used sour cream. always used 1 can evap. milk instead cooked slow & low 3-4 hours

  117. Making this tomorrow and it has been forever since I've made it. But my chicken breasts will be frozen and I don't have a super hot pot. How long should I cook for?

  118. Do you shred the chicken at the end or serve whole?

  119. very nice… i really like your blog. Very useful informations. Thx
    Click this profile link Brian Boone

  120. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I'm a meat and potato girl. Could I add potatoes to this recipe, and if so, where and when?

  121. I've had this recipe saved in Pinterest for years and still come back to it (not sure why I never remember how to make it, it's so simple haha) but my whole family loves this recipe!


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