This is the bedding I picked out for the craft room. I love the bright colors to inspire me while I work. The bed sets came with bedskirts, but we have trundle beds in there so we don't need them. Extra fabric? Of course, my first thought was to reuse it in some fun ways!
Why buy boring curtains when you can make your own? I wanted something that was very light and would let a lot of light in. The room is pretty dark, so I'd love as much light as I can get. I started out by buying some cheap white curtains to work with. (Yes, I could have made my own, but I HATE working with large pieces of fabric when I have to measure them perfectly.)
I started out by laying the curtains on the floor since that was the largest work surface I could find.

I wanted to add the bedskirt fabric panel near the top, so I measured 4 inches from the top.

Freaking out, I cut the top 4 inches off. What if I mess this up and ruin my curtains? This was my first window treatment ever so I was really nervous.

Then I measured the bedskirt fabric to fit and finished the edges.

I pinned the pattern fabric to the top and bottom of the curtain and sewed.

Once the curtains were hung, I hemmed the bottom to almost hit the floor. You can see how the light is really weird in this room, so it's very hard to get a good picture. I promise it's a nice lime green and not pukey green!

I love how they turned out!

I *heart* link parties! Go here to see where I'm partying it up today...