I promised more Hanukkah crafts, didn't I? And I'm proud to say this one cost me almost NOTHING to make!
Scrap wood or wood blocks from a craft store
Acrylic paint
Paint brush
Mod Podge
Foam brush
Scrapbook paper (See my secret below to get this for FREE!)
I made my own blocks using scrap wood from the family room reno. I cut 11 blocks to 1.5" x 1.5" and I cut one block 2.75" x 1.5".

I found this really pretty metallic blue to paint all the blocks.

They're so shiny and pretty!

...On a tangent for a second...
I HATE that scrapbook paper is so expensive. How can they charge 99 cents for a piece of paper when it's just a PIECE OF PAPER? A cheap project gets expensive really fast when you start stocking up on a few pieces. My solution? Free digital scrapbooking websites. I'm not going to pimp out one or the other, but let's just say Google is your friend. And nowback to the directions...
I found 3 pretty scrapbook paper patterns and adjusted them in Photoshop to the colors I wanted. Print them out.
Notice that this step was FREE! I printed my letters right on the paper as you can see, but you could also hand write yours if you prefer.

I made my scrapbook paper squares about 1" x 1" so there would be a border around the edges once they're glued on. Cut out the squares and use Mod Podge to attach them to your wood blocks.

Make sure to smooth out each paper piece so there are no bumps or wrinkles.

When your paper square dries, add another coat of Mod Podge over the top of the block and the paper. Wait for that layer to dry.

Now the messy part...I do this in my basement in case I make a huge mess!
Using Mod Podge again, brush a thin layer along the border of the wood block where there is no scrapbook paper.

Then dip your block into a glitter and brush off the excess. (I like using a paper plate for glitter because it's easier to clean up. When you're done, you just fold your plate in half and pour the extra glitter back in the container without making a juge mess.)
Glitter all your blocks and let them dry.

There's so many different ways to display these blocks...in one line, stacked, as a centerpiece, etc. Enjoy and Happy Hanukkah!

These look amazing when the sun is shining and the glitter is sparkling! I love them!