I have a slight obsession with cute cleaning gloves.
So I have these.

And these (thanks to my friend Kelly)

And here's me cleaning with my cute blue gloves.
I promise that wearing them DOES make cleaning a little more fun!

So anyway, after buying all these cute pairs of gloves, I figured I should try to make my own. It was a little more complicated than I thought, but they came out pretty cute and I'm excited to share them with you!
•rubber cleaning gloves
•fabric for ruffles
•matching ribbon
•bows or any other cute accessories to add
I started by making the ruffles. I'd like to thank Nina over at Mamas Little Treasures for her great
tutorial on how to create ruffles on the sewing machine. This was my first time making ruffles the "real" way and her tutorial made it pretty easy for me to follow.
I measured out the ruffled fabric to fit the gloves. One the fabric is ruffled, it will only be about 1/2 of the original length, so I needed to use a piece that was going to be long enough. I cut a piece for each glove that was 28" x 8" and then folded them in half so they measured 28" x 4".

I ironed the crease and then pinned the two sides together along the raw edges.

I set my sewing machine to the longest stitch length which was 5.0. Then I sewed two straight lines close to the edge of the fabric (not the folded side, but the raw edge side). I would not suggest reinforcing your stitches because it will make it more difficult to create the ruffles in the next step.

Once I was done sewing, I lightly pulled on one of the threads and gathered the fabric to start creating the ruffle. It takes some patience, but I started to see the ruffle take shape.

To make the ruffle circular, I sewed the two edges together.

Once both pieces are ruffled and circular, I lined them up along the inside edge of the cleaning gloves and pinned. It took a couple attempts to get the fabric to gather evenly, but it's important to make them look uniform.

This is how the glove looks from the outside.
The two lines I sewed to make the ruffle are hidden on the inside of the glove.

Slowly sew along the edge of the glove to attach the ruffle. Sewing through rubber make a really funny sound, but it worked just fine on my machine.

I measured out 11 inches of ribbon for each glove and pinned it on right at the edge of the glove.

This is even more challenging to sew on because the ribbon kept slipping on the rubber glove. But it worked! If you feel more comfortable, hand-sewing might be easier for this step.

I decided my gloves still needed one last accessory, so I added some little white bows.
These were just sewn on by hand.

And my finished product is done!

And what a coincidence that these happen to match the apron I made last year!
I'm going to be a cute & accessorized Kitchen Diva now!
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Flaunt it FridayFrugalicious FridayFeature Yourself FridayLook at Me PartyIt's a Hodgepodge FridayFab FridayCheck Me Out SaturdayCrafty Saturday